The Reason Behind Raj's Perfect Girlfriend Disappearing from TBBT is Disappointingly Simple

The Reason Behind Raj's Perfect Girlfriend Disappearing from TBBT is Disappointingly Simple
Image credit: Legion-Media

Over the years, the main characters of The Big Bang Theory proved that dating was not their field of expertise, and fans loved watching their comedic mishaps and awkward encounters in the dating pool.

Raj Koothrappali was no exception to this, but there was one relationship that fans hoped would last.

Emily Sweeny and Raj started rocky due to his social awkwardness, but it soon became apparent that she could be his perfect match.

Fans were rooting for the couple and were even more hopeful when she became a series regular. But just as things were looking up, her character was written off the show.

The Reason Behind Raj's Perfect Girlfriend Disappearing from TBBT is Disappointingly Simple - image 1

Fans were devastated and wanted to know why. Was there off-screen drama? Was she fired? Did the writers have other plans for Raj? For a show as "out there" as The Big Bang Theory, the conclusion was unfortunately pretty disappointing.

Laura Spencer, the actress who played Emily, was appearing in another show at the same time. Spencer was portraying Jessica Warren on the popular crime drama, Bones.

The two shows would have been too much to juggle at once, and her main role on TBBT was reduced to guest appearances whilst she became a recurring character on Bones.

She has never stated that she chose to act in Bones over TBBT, but due to the timelines of the two shows overlapping, it would have been too difficult for her to keep up appearances in both.

TBBT fans were rooting for Raj and Emily and hoping for the quirky, horror movie-loving dermatologist to become a permanent character on the show in the same way that Amy and Bernadette had, but Spencer's career took her other places.

What made the situation even more frustrating was the way she was written off the show.

Raj ended their relationship because of his desire to pursue Claire, and when the latter did not work out he came running back to Emily to plead for another chance, which she denied.

At the end of the series, Raj was the only main character without a partner, and a popular theory suggests that it has to do with his arc.

It took a long time for Raj to get over his fear of speaking to women, and ending the series alone gives his character the freedom to continue exploring the dating pool and enjoying the company and conversations of new women.

Although the idea is fitting, fans can't help but wonder if Raj would have ended the series alone if Emily had not been written off the show…