The Handmaid's Tale's Writers Are Setting Up a Redemption Arc No One Wants To See

The Handmaid's Tale's Writers Are Setting Up a Redemption Arc No One Wants To See
Image credit: Hulu

It feels like this character will never learn.

For the villain of any fictional story, it seems that there are only two options: surrender or change your ways and become better. While the second is usually considered a true happy ending, it doesn't really fit into every story. Sometimes a happy ending is not necessary.

This is the case with The Handmaid's Tale and the redemption arc that the writers seem to be planning for season 6 of the show. The show's dark motivations are already telling enough for the majority of viewers to decide that they don't need to see a villain redeemed.

What they want to see is either revenge or a realistic victory for those who tend to ruin people's lives.

One character that many believe will be redeemed in the eyes of the public is Serena Joy. The same character who has already proven that she has not learned a single thing from the lessons that life has to offer. The same character who hasn't suffered nearly enough in comparison to other characters to be redeemed.

The Handmaid's Tale's Writers Are Setting Up a Redemption Arc No One Wants To See - image 1

Viewers are both confused and downright horrified to see this story come to life. While some feel some sympathy for Serena, as all women in The Handmaid's Tale universe are undoubtedly victims of society, they still don't believe she's capable of changing her ways.

The brief history of the character, which has been shown throughout the four previous seasons of the show, perfectly proves how the minute Serena experiences a little heartbreak, she's offered an escape, only to continue doing horrible things.

Some even feel so strongly against the character that they believe that wherever Serena goes, she will try to start a new Gilead.

The Handmaid's Tale's Writers Are Setting Up a Redemption Arc No One Wants To See - image 2

Whether or not that is true is debatable, but The Handmaid's Tale fandom is not about to give Serena Joy a chance. What we all know for sure is that the show will end in season 6, and whatever the writers are planning would be final for all the characters involved.

Keep an eye out to not miss any important news and behind-the-scenes updates about Hulu ’s The Handmaid's Tale’s season 6.