
The Flash Director Gives the Most Bizarre Explanation for Movie's Terrible CGI

The Flash Director Gives the Most Bizarre Explanation for Movie's Terrible CGI
Image credit: Legion-Media

Andy Muschietti claims that the special effects in The Flash are exactly how they were supposed to be — and gives the daftest justification possible. Like, come on.

Even prior to The Flash ’s release, the question of “What the hell is wrong with this movie’s CGI?” has been ever-present in every discussion of the upcoming entry. From the very first trailers, fans started noticing that the quality of the special effects was kind of off, to put it mildly. Each consequent promo kept confirming that.

The general consensus among the audience was that The Flash’s CGI looked like it belonged in a mid-2000s video game and definitely not in a 2023’s $200M superhero blockbuster.

Then, someone pointed out that even Man of Steel, which had been released a whole decade earlier than The Flash, had better VFX, and everyone had to agree.

Still, there was some hope that the final product would turn out differently by fixing the movie’s CGI or by having much better special effects for the majority of its duration.

Well… It didn’t.

Since The Flash’s release earlier today, the Internet has been full of comments and posts that are questioning the reasons why the movie’s CGI looks so terrible. People are desperately trying to correlate the current year and the movie’s budget with what they saw on the big screens, and they can’t quite make sense of it.

Andy Muschietti, the director of The Flash, addressed this issue. But instead of admitting that there were at least a few (ahem) mistakes made during the post production, Muschietti said… That the special effects are exactly the way they were supposed to be!

As for the reasons, things get even more bizarre, though.

“We are in the perspective of the Flash. Everything is distorted in terms of lights and textures. We enter this ‘waterworld’ which is basically being in Barry’s POV. It was part of the design so if it looks a little weird to you that was intended,” explained the director.

This is a rather brilliant idea, and it holds the Amazon River’s worth of water… If not for one tiny issue: no one’s complaining about the distortion itself. It’s the general quality of the visual effects that the viewers have a problem with, including said distortion. Like, it’s not that you’re wearing ripped jeans, it’s that they’re dirty as hell.

But if director Muschietti really meant what he said and that is how the Flash sees the world around him… Well, the poor fellow has our sincerest condolences.

Source: Gizmodo