The Boys Fans Offer The Smartest Way To Get Rid Of Homelander

The Boys Fans Offer The Smartest Way To Get Rid Of Homelander
Image credit: Legion-Media

We might have heard something like that from Marvel fans some time ago, though.

Boys fans have been brainstorming about the best way to get rid of the menacing Homelander, and one suggestion stands out as particularly clever: Why not use Hughie's powers to teleport into Homelander and kill him from the inside?

The idea may seem weird at first, but it actually has some basis in the show's lore. In The Boys, we see that Homelander is not really invincible.

In fact, he has a number of weaknesses that could potentially be exploited. For example, he is vulnerable to attacks from powerful explosives, and he is weakened by exposure to bright lights.

Since the Homelander is not invincible, it stands to reason there may be other ways to take him down. And that's where Hughie's teleportation power comes in.

By moving inside the Homelander, Hughie could potentially bypass his outer defenses and launch a surprise attack from... the inside.

In season 3, we've already seen another Supe literally shrink and enter his lover during sex games.

However, an unforeseen circumstance caused him to grow into his body and literally "explode" the boyfriend from the inside out.

Fans speculate that the same trick could be pulled with Homelander. However, it should always be remembered — this villain's body is literally a suit of armor.

Maybe Hughie just stays inside forever. Yeah, it sounds incredibly odd.

Some fans disagree with the theory. It seems to them that the main character of the series would definitely come to an end. However, some think that such a sacrifice might be worth it, even if they both die horrible, painful deaths.

Furthermore, many viewers agree with this development. They assume that the confrontation between Homelander and the Boys will reach its climax, and there will be no choice but to sacrifice Hughie.

It will be a rather momentous ending for the character. The ordinary guy's story started with the death of his girlfriend under the "wheels" of the A-Train, and in the culmination he will be able to give his life and save his friends.

The catharsis will happen.

Source: Reddit