The Big Bang Theory Writers Messed Up This Relationship For No Reason At All

The Big Bang Theory Writers Messed Up This Relationship For No Reason At All
Image credit: CBS

Killing off Raj and Emily’s romance was a bad idea.


  • The relationship between Raj and Emily should not have been forced to a bad end.
  • They could have been an endgame couple if given a chance.
  • Emily’s quirks were accepted by the gang.

The Big Bang Theory is one of the most popular shows on our TV, and we think it will be a huge challenge to change that. Think for yourself, just how many times you started rewatching it instead of starting something new? The magic of the show is that it brings you comfort, albeit cringes you out at the same time.

The show's many characters went through tremendous changes over the course of its 12 seasons. Leonard became less insecure and finally accepted the fact that Penny can really love him, Howard went from being a sleazy jerk to the best father and husband. We will not even begin to go over all the changes that Sheldon went through thanks to Amy.

Raj also changed a lot during the show; you remember how he was at the beginning when he couldn't even be in the same room with women. But then he ended up being the guy who had lots of girlfriends. Unfortunately, none of them was a real match for him. Well, that's what the writers had in mind.

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However, many fans strongly disagree with the way his arc has been handled, and they especially don't like the way they've messed with arguably Raj's best relationship and one of the show's strongest in general.

Raj And Emily’s Story Could Have Had a Better End

One of Raj's girlfriends was Emily. They started dating in season 7 and lasted for three full seasons, which is almost a year. This was the first time that Raj was in a fully functioning and quite strong relationship. Although of course they had their differences, the fans were still rooting for them to be an endgame, and there were many reasons for that.

“Among all Raj's girlfriends, she was the most understanding. On their first date, Raj brought up his ex, and she stayed and talked it over with Raj and acted maturely about the whole situation. She was also the one who found his quirks adorable and funny most of the time. Raj didn't have that with anyone else,” Redditor Dr_couch_potato said.

Indeed, it seemed like those two really clicked. The chemistry they shared on screen was genuine even despite the fact that they were totally different. Emily was dark and straightforward, and we know Raj was a hopeless romantic with a feminine soul.

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However, they enjoyed each other's company and spent quality time together. What's really great is that they tried hard to fit into each other's lives. For example, Raj watched all the horror movies that Emily liked and even went to the escape room with her. And she became part of his inner circle and was accepted by his group of friends.

Emily was great for a lot of things, but especially for not being afraid to stand up to Sheldon when he was being a jerk to her. That's something Raj could have learned from her.

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But instead of giving them a real chance to grow together as characters, the writers just broke them up with the lamest possible trope: the other woman. Fans are sure that if these two had been given a real chance to be together a little more, they could have matured perfectly and even eclipsed Penny and Leonard.