The 5 Most Eye-Roll Inducing Grey's Anatomy Moments, According to Reddit

The 5 Most Eye-Roll Inducing Grey's Anatomy Moments, According to Reddit
Image credit: globallookpress

Filler storylines are necessary to keep a show like Grey's Anatomy running for nearly two decades.

Grey's Anatomy has managed to maintain its high ratings by reimagining old characters and adding new ones, as well as broadening the plot. However, some of the storylines that were introduced to keep the show going didn't go down well with the fans.

Many are sharing their frustrations on Reddit and some claim that all of seasons 12 and 13 offered nothing new. The other seasons were not similarly dismissed but they still had their fair share of unpopular storylines.

Some of the storylines just didn't make sense to the fans and these 10 were voted the dumbest of them all by Redditors.

Izzy Having Sex With Denny's Ghost

The sex with a ghost storyline went down like a fart in church with the show's fan base because everything about it just feels wrong. Denny wasn't a fan-favorite character and his relationship with Izzy didn't make sense to many fans.

Izzy mourning him by having sex with his ghost only made the entire storyline more senseless. Of course, no one mourns their dead partner by having sex with their ghost, not to mention having sex with any ghost.

The 5 Most Eye-Roll Inducing Grey's Anatomy Moments, According to Reddit - image 1

Some fans claimed that the scene was justified by Izzy's tumor, but that is not redemption enough for such a dumb plot angle.

Doctors Repeatedly Having Unwanted Pregnancies

Cristina is one of the best doctors in Grey's Anatomy and applying her medical knowledge to her own life is the least that fans expect from her.

The same goes for all the other doctors on the show who just can't stop having unwanted pregnancies. Cristina's unwanted pregnancies were the most annoying for most Redditors, though.

One or two unwanted pregnancies, even by doctors could be understood, but the number of doctors shocked to discover that they are pregnant in the show is just staggering.

Reproductive health should be a simple science for polished surgeons like Cristina.

Alex Beating Up Deluca

Alex being charged with felony assault and facing two years in jail for assaulting Deluca just didn't make sense to most fans. The entire incident felt like a simple misunderstanding that would have been solved with a simple handshake.

But instead, it was blown out of proportion and created a time-wasting rollercoaster. There was no reason given for why Deluca didn't get the DA to drop the case sooner which is why the whole legal aspect of the storyline makes no sense.

George Having Sex With Meredith

Meredith and Derek were in love and actually perfect for each other which is why bringing George into the picture didn't make any sense. George and Meredith had been working together for a long time and made great friends and colleagues.

Bringing in the sexual encounter only made George less likable to the fans as many of them said on Reddit threads. Many find this scene gross while dismissing its romantic angle as Grey's worst storyline.

It was even more awkward for Meredith to break down and embarrass George during the encounter when she actually initiated it. They were good friends and colleagues, and sex only destroyed their relationship for the remainder of George's time on the show.

Meredith Committing Insurance Fraud

The entire Gabby Rivera saga just didn't make any sense to fans. This storyline was supposed to create the perfect compassionate mother and doctor out of Meredith but it backfired terribly because it had too many holes.

From Luis refusing Meredith's help when he actually needed it, to him ending up squatting in his daughter's hospital room when he earned enough to be ineligible for federal assistance, the whole story had no legs.

Meredith had the option of asking the foundation to help Luis with Gabby's medical bill. Besides, being one of the owners of the hospital, Meredith could have offered financial assistance directly or through the board without having to risk her medical license while at it.

Bailey should also have put the case through the due process rather than simply giving Meredith her job back.