The 4 OMG Moments of HotD Season 1: Fans Share Their Favorite Plot Twists

The 4 OMG Moments of HotD Season 1: Fans Share Their Favorite Plot Twists
Image credit: Legion-Media

One thing that the first season of House of the Dragon has plenty of has been plot twists.

It feels like the show started us off with a clear set of expectations that have all been absolutely shattered through the sheer brilliance of storytelling. Here are the fans' top four epic twists:

Daemon Targaryen Isn't that Bad, Oh Wait Yes, He Is, Hang On, No He's Not…

It feels like there are so many mind-bending plot twists involving Daemon, but for simplicity's sake, they are all combined in this one section.

When we first meet him, we feel he is sinister, evil, and opportunistic. We fully expect him to murder his brother, King Viserys, and steal his throne.

Then when his niece, Rhaenyra, is named heir, we are convinced he will kill her as well. Watching him murder his first wife and then plot to kill Rhaenyra's first husband, we know all too well how capable he is of villainy.

When he marries Rhaenyra, we believe he is only doing it to get his hands on the Iron Throne and will murder her once he has it. Boy, were we all wrong.

Turns out that despite his murdery ways, Daemon genuinely loves his brother and niece and isn't nearly as interested in becoming king as we all thought.

Rhaenyra and Alicent Will Be Lifelong Friends

Admittedly this one was probably more wishful thinking on behalf of the fanbase than anything else.

But it cannot be denied that when we first see Rhaenyra and Alicent together as young girls, we feel the strength of their bond and the love they have for each other, making them feel more like sisters than just friends.

We think their relationship will be strengthened when Alicent marries Viserys and becomes queen. Again, we were wrong!

Alicent has set out to destroy her former friend in order to secure her own son as heir to the Iron Throne.

Rhaenys Will Get Revenge for Her Son and Brother-in-Law

Rhaenys Velaryon has every reason to despise Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen.

Leaving aside her obvious resentment that Rhaenyra was named heir to the Iron Throne when Rhaenys herself was passed over as a child purely due to her gender, events continued to spiral.

Rhaenyra does nothing to endear herself to Rhaenys by being involved in her son's murder, and Daemon then killing her brother-in-law. Rhaenys is primed for revenge. But does she take it? No.

The 4 OMG Moments of HotD Season 1: Fans Share Their Favorite Plot Twists - image 1

Instead, she sides with Rhaenyra and Daemon in the pending civil war, leaving fans wondering what the...?

Ser Criston is a Decent Guy

We all loved Ser Criston at first. Handsome, sweet, a little naïve and adored Rhaenyra.

It seemed like she would have a loyal lover in Criston but how that changed when she told him she was required to marry and would not be choosing him.

He instantly became cold, vindictive, and downright evil. His shift was beyond brokenhearted, going out of his way to aid in her destruction at every opportunity.