Thank U, Next! Fans Had Enough of These Young And The Restless' Characters

Thank U, Next! Fans Had Enough of These Young And The Restless' Characters
Image credit: CBS

It seems that some of the show's characters have become more attractive to the writers, as they have completely monopolized screen time.

The Young and The Restless writers had really taken an unhealthy approach to "parenting" their characters. Thus some of them get more complicated personalities, more storylines and therefore lots of screen time.

And the leftover minutes of any episode are saved for the rest. Is it fair? Hardly. And here's what fans have to say about it. Seems like they already have a list of who they want to step out of the spotlight, and the ones that should replace them.

Almost every second comment in the series subreddit is something like "take a rest with Newmans."

And that's no wonder: the writers were giving us almost every little detail about their love life, professional achievements and even lesser things.

But instead of them, fans wanted to see more of Fisher/Baldwins in the center. The audience is more curious about what happens with Michael, Lauren, Kevin and Chloe.

Fans also think there is too much of Billy in the show for now. Let him go, they say, but save Elena, because all people want is to finally see her dumping Nate, the self-absorbed man, and go live her life.

Besides, Nate is not the only self-absorbed and pompous character, as there is Kyle. Less screen time for both of them would be a blast, fans argue.

Seems like the fandom knows exactly how to "fix" the show. Because as the series goes, its writers, unfortunately, seem like they are losing interest in their own show.

"How is it that I come here almost every day and see good suggestions, but the show's professional writers can't figure out how to highlight the talents of their actors with entertaining stories.

Could we have one consistently entertaining story? Evidently not. The most we get is an occasional entertaining scene. But they never seem to put together an entire story that we love. They have a wealth of talent in the cast. I just don't get it," Reddit user heydawn said.

But the last thing we want is to make you lose hope. Who knows, maybe the writers occasionally do visit the soap opera's subreddit to actually take into account the opinion of the fans?