TBBT: Why Raj Should Have Quit Astrophysics and Become a Party Planner

TBBT: Why Raj Should Have Quit Astrophysics and Become a Party Planner
Image credit: globallookpress

Rajesh Koothrapalli is one of the most beloved characters in The Big Bang Theory.

His sweet, awkward nature, coupled with his love of romance, fine dining, and hosting fun events for his friends all combine to make one hell on an endearing character.

But fans have noticed that as an astrophysicist, Raj is in the wrong job. And they have provided some truly compelling arguments.

Raj does not seem to have the same amount of passion for astrophysics as he does for party planning. Obviously, he has some kind of interest in else, otherwise, he would not have pursued this field of study.

But viewers cannot help but notice how much more joy he seems to get from his hobbies, rather than his work. Even Raj himself has been quoted as saying that if he were not an astrophysicist, he would be a party planner.

One of the more amusing aspects of Raj's love of planning lavish events is the chagrin of his friends. He seems to almost force these upon them.

He has thrown many murder mystery dinner parties which were either loathed by the group or simply not attended at all.

And he put an enormous amount of work into his scavenger hunt which brought out some very interesting reactions from his friends.

But perhaps the most interesting reaction was their rage at the conclusion in which it was revealed that they were "all winners."

Fans have suggested that Raj should have pursued his passion for party planning as his full-time job. It would have let his friends off the hook and allowed him to indulge in all his favourite pastimes while getting paid for it.

This becomes a particularly relevant point when Raj begins to struggle with his job, fearing he will be deported as he has not made any significant discoveries, nor does he see any on the horizon.

Further, in later seasons, when he stops taking money from his parents, surely a party planning side hustle would have helped him with more financial security.

Fans are baffled why he made that throwaway comment about becoming a party planner and then never did anything with it.

It seemed there were plenty of opportunities for him to do so, that all would have been in his best interest. While at the conclusion of TBBT, Raj remains an astrophysicist, perhaps in the future he may consider a career change.