
Tarantino Responded with Middle Fingers from Stage as Audience Booed Him in Cannes

Tarantino Responded with Middle Fingers from Stage as Audience Booed Him in Cannes
Image credit: Legion-Media, Miramax Films

When he and his crew got booed by the crowd at the Cannes Film Festival, Quentin Tarantino once again proved himself as the most DGAF director of all time.


  • Quentin Tarantino is one of the most iconic directors of all time, with a remarkable portfolio of movies.
  • In 1994, when Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction won at the Cannes Film Festival, some audience members kept booing at him.
  • Instead of taking offense, the director flipped the discontent crowd members off and laughed at the situation.

Quentin Tarantino is among the biggest names in the movie industry, and not just among his contemporaries. The director has become a living legend through a series of carefully developed movies with unique style and pacing, and his career is considered one of the brightest in the entire history of Hollywood.

Still, even great directors can sometimes receive a negative reaction to their (brilliant) movies. But one of the things that set Tarantino aside from his colleagues is his blatantly DGAF attitude toward haters and crowds which he showed at the Cannes.

Why Was Tarantino Booed in the First Place?

Tarantino Responded with Middle Fingers from Stage as Audience Booed Him in Cannes - image 1

At the 1994 Cannes Film Festival, Quentin Tarantino presented one of his most acclaimed works, Pulp Fiction. This movie became iconic the moment it came out, and the general reaction to it was overwhelmingly positive everywhere, including the Cannes. Still, some people were discontent with Tarantino that year.

Problems started when Pulp Fiction was announced as the winner of the Festival, and Tarantino and his crew were invited on stage. A few people in the audience hated that their favorite movies didn’t get the award, so they booed the director. Furthermore, those people even heckled Tarantino as he started speaking.

How Did Tarantino React to the Insults?

Tarantino Responded with Middle Fingers from Stage as Audience Booed Him in Cannes - image 2

Despite being an acclaimed director, Tarantino never cared much for public opinion. Winning at Cannes was a big achievement for him and his crew, and he didn’t intend to allow some unhinged audience members to ruin their celebration. After being shouted and booed at for some time, Tarantino provided them with an answer.

After laughing at the situation alongside Bruce Willis on the stage for a while, the director decided that enough was enough. He located the booers in the crowd and put his middle finger up, pointing at them. The crowd was obviously shocked at this gesture, but Tarantino just kept laughing as he flipped the offenders off.

And that’s some proper crisis management from the iconic director: when you’re disrespected, just disrespect them back. Especially if you have guards on your side.

Source: The Archives of Kino via YouTube