
Spider-Man Meets Punisher: An Unexpected Friendship Story

Spider-Man Meets Punisher: An Unexpected Friendship Story
Image credit: Legion-Media

You'd think that Daredevil would be involved in this one.

Hollywood continues to impress audiences not only with the variety of premieres but also with the variety of relationships between the actors and directors involved in film production.

Just like in any other profession, spending too much time together often leads to the relationship becoming more than just a working one.

As interesting as Hollywood romances are, we have all seen them. True Hollywood friendships (especially the most unexpected ones) are always far more intriguing.

Tom Holland and Jon Bernthal first met on the set, but not for anything Marvel-related. Both actors were cast in a movie called Pilgrimage, and at the time of filming, neither was involved in a superhero universe.

However, both had the ambition and determination to get there. Even better, despite the age difference, both actors were willing to help each other achieve those dreams.

"We were all part of him nailing and tracking down the Spider-Man role. We got to see his determination. I've never seen anything like that — how hard he fought for it — and that's how he approaches his work every day," Bernthal told Variety.

When Jon Bernthal was there for Tom Holland while the actor was practicing and auditioning for his Spider-Man debut, Holland was ready to return the favor.

In turn, he helped Bernthal train for The Punisher.

With all the hope the younger actor had to make the MCU work for both of them, he stepped up and even acted in Bernthal's audition tape to support him.

No doubt this audition tape would blow up the internet if it ever got out here.

However, while Marvel isn't rushing to release it online, you can enjoy Jon Bernthal and Tom Holland in their respective roles by streaming The Punisher and Spider-Man movies on Disney Plus.

Source: Variety