Sorry Sam, But Dean and Benny's Bond Was the Real MVP of Supernatural Season 8

Sorry Sam, But Dean and Benny's Bond Was the Real MVP of Supernatural Season 8
Image credit: The CW

Fans have adored the relationship between Sam and Dean Winchester over the course of Supernatural.

The highs, the lows, the fights, the secrets, but above all else, the deep and unspoken love the brothers have for each other no matter the circumstances.

But Season Eight saw a new bromance emerge that rivalled this bond. And shockingly, fans feel that Dean and Benny's closeness was healthier than Sam and Dean's could ever have been.

Cast your mind back to the beginning of Season Eight. Dean was in Purgatory and rescued by Benny Lafitte, the rogue vampire who was condemned to the realm by his creator after daring to fall in love with a human female.

He saved Dean's life and the two became fast friends, gaining each other trust, and forming an unshakable bond. Fans loved Benny. He was strong, reliable, and kept his word. All endearing traits.

Sadly, Sam was not a fan. And when Dean and Benny escaped Purgatory and Sam met his brother's new friend for the first time, things were awkward to say the least.

What followed was a whole lot of angst, and Dean ultimately choosing Benny over his brother… for a while. There were heavily mixed reactions at the time to this, with fans feeling Dean was wrong to ditch his brother.

When he finally chose Sam over Benny, the audience felt things were as they should be once more.

But since then, Supernatural fans have done some more reflecting on the situation and are of the view that Dean and Benny had a far healthier relationship than Dean ever had with Sam.

Breaking it down, Benny never lied to Dean. He never turned his back on him. He was truly always there for him when needed, and even when he wasn't.

Even when Dean chose Sam, Benny was kind to him and understood his difficult position and the decision he was making.

On the other hand, Sam and Dean have lied to each other plenty. They have betrayed each other.

When we first meet the brothers as adults, Sam has abandoned Dean and their father to go off to college instead of joining in the hunt for the demon that killed their mother.

There is no denying Sam and Dean love each other, but there have been many occasions where they have not treated each other as well as Dean and Benny did.

While Sam and Dean do always manage to resolve their differences, Season Eight is very much the Dean and Benny show. And it makes for a wonderful season.