Sex Education S4 Trailer Has Fans All Worked Up Over Their Favorite Ship

Sex Education S4 Trailer Has Fans All Worked Up Over Their Favorite Ship
Image credit: Netflix

Netflix has just dropped the season 4 trailer for Sex Education, and fans are all over the place.

Netflix has confirmed that everyone’s favorite sex-positive show is coming to an end with season 4, which comes out on September 21. Judging by the trailer, we are in for a bumpy ride!

While season 4 looks exciting while still sticking to the series’ traditions, Sex Education fans are now concerned for their beloved slow-burn couple – Otis and Maeve.

Season 3 finally saw them admit their feelings for each other and share that passionate kiss, that is until the finale shattered all of our hopes and dreams when Maeve left for America and came to say goodbye to Otis.

Granted that Maeve is only supposed to study in the U.S. for a couple of months and come back to her one true love, many people expect Maeve and Otis to be the endgame couple. The writers couldn’t have been building up their storyline for three seasons for nothing, right?

Well, the new trailer suggests otherwise. It heavily focuses on Otis and Ruby, and they are seen together in Ruby’s bedroom (exchanging glances!).

Also, Otis is finally wearing something purple, just like Ruby wanted him to – could they be in a relationship again? Or could it simply be that something happened to Otis’ own clothes when he was at Ruby’s, and she just lent him a shirt, and that’s why it’s purple-ish?

On top of that, Maeve and Otis do not share any scenes in the trailer, leading fans to believe that Otis and Ruby might fall in love and/or resolve their issues while Maeve is in America. We are not ready for such heartbreak…

Season 4 might not make Motis fans happy by having Otis and Ruby end up together. If the writers actually do that, it’s going to feel like a complete slap in the face.

We love Ruby, but Otis and Maeve’s chemistry is off the charts, and we have been clamoring for those two to get together for years, so just give it to us.