Sex And The City's Miranda Actually Had To Make Sacrifice To Land The Iconic Redhead Role 

Sex And The City's Miranda Actually Had To Make Sacrifice To Land The Iconic Redhead Role 
Image credit: Legion-Media

Sometimes a little change can turn you into who you really are.

Sex and the City is a show that many women of different generations grew up with. Fans have always tried to compare their lives to the lives of the four main characters, or simply looked for answers to their real-life questions.

In a way, the show became a guide for women on how to behave or not behave with people, how to deal with heartbreak and betrayal, or how to love and hate.

All aspects of a person's life were portrayed in one show and that's one of the reasons why the show is still a hit.

Another reason is the casting of the show. We know that Sarah Jessica Parker's portrayal of Carrie Bradshaw was one of the first things the creators decided to do. And it was Parker who was a little hesitant to accept the offer.

Sex And The City's Miranda Actually Had To Make Sacrifice To Land The Iconic Redhead Role - image 1

But Cynthia Nixon, for example, didn't get to play Miranda Hobbes that easily. While it's hard to imagine anyone else playing Miranda, there was a time in the 90s when Nixon wasn't so sure she'd get the part.

First, she auditioned for Carrie, but that fell through. And then she decided to be brave and call them back to see if they had anything else to offer her. And they offered her the chance to audition for the role of Miranda Hobbes.

The audition went well and the casting producers liked her, but she didn't hear from them for a long time. Nixon revealed that she spent months in limbo, auditioning for other roles and getting passed over.

When she finally landed the role, she found out what was taking the producers so long to make a decision. It turned out to be her hair.

She was a blonde at the time, but as we know, they needed a redhead because there were already two blondes out of four, and the producers didn't want the fans to be confused.

So they asked Miranda to dye her hair, which she did for many years to stay the fiery redhead on screen.

Fun fact. In the spinoff season 1, she wore silver hair, but in season 2, fans will see Miranda as she was on the show. Boy do those hairstyles got some drama!