Sex and the City: 5 Most Relatable Things about the Show’s Best Couple, Ranked

Sex and the City: 5 Most Relatable Things about the Show’s Best Couple, Ranked
Image credit: Legion-Media

Sex and the City has given us some of the best relationship wisdom on television, especially through the on-screen interactions of this couple.

Sex and the City ’s romance has been fueling us up for years. Once upon a time, we all wanted a Mister Big. Then we grew up and realized that Steve was the guy of our dreams. Finally, we reached a point where we started worshiping Smith.

Smith and Samantha are the best couple on the show. No, we are not taking any objections at this time. Instead, here are five reasons why Smith and Samantha’s relationship was just relatable.

5. They Stay True to Themselves

People in healthy relationships don’t feel the need to change anything about themselves to be worthy of their partner. Samantha and Smith had physical rather than emotional beginnings, and intimacy has remained important to them throughout the relationship. With or without Smith, Samantha has always been a sexually charged woman, and that has stood the test of time.

Sex and the City: 5 Most Relatable Things about the Show’s Best Couple, Ranked - image 1

4. They Are Each Other’s Biggest Supporters

When they meet, Samantha has already made a name for herself, and she even owns a PR firm, while Smith is a struggling actor trying to make it in the industry. Samantha uses her knowledge and connections to help Smith achieve career success.

Plus, she attends all his premieres and everything. When she gets sick, Smith returns the favor – he even shaves his head to show Samantha his support!

3. They Are Invested in the Relationship

Samantha can be pretty selfish when she is single and ready to mingle, so it’s initially hard for her to meet Smith halfway on anything. Since she’s not the relationship-y type, she struggles to do something as simple as holding hands in public, but it’s important to Smith, so Samantha does it anyway.

Sex and the City: 5 Most Relatable Things about the Show’s Best Couple, Ranked - image 2Even when the relationship no longer works, they don’t just give up – they both try to stick it out through the hard times.

2. Being a Couple Isn’t Their Entire Personality

Many people literally become one when they enter a relationship, but not Samantha and Smith. In the beginning, Smith is more interested in Samantha than she is in him – she just wants to seduce him, but he wants to make things official. It’s a very realistic portrayal of real-life couples.

Also, Samantha doesn’t magically become blind to other hot people when she is dating Smith. When she sees that smoking neighbor, she is still attracted to him even though she is in love with Smith, which is a perfectly normal thing.

1. Their Breakup Is Sadly Natural and Naturally Sad

In the Sex and the City movie, Samantha slowly comes to the realization that her relationship with Smith has run its course. She misses New York and her old life, she doesn’t feel like herself, and she is miserable in Los Angeles.

After a heart-to-heart with the girls, Samantha does the right thing and ends things with Smith. We were all devastated to see this couple split after five years, but their breakup made more sense than any other on the show.

And Just Like That… may not have Samantha, but we can imagine that she’s simply living her best life in London (with or without a guy).