Sam and Dean Winchester Prove Actions Speak Louder Than Words in Supernatural

Sam and Dean Winchester Prove Actions Speak Louder Than Words in Supernatural
Image credit: The CW

Sam and Dean Winchester have one of the most unique relationships in all of television.

When we first meet them, Dean is a small child and Sam is a baby, and their mother is killed in a terrifying, brutal, and seemingly impossible way.

Their father then dedicates his life to finding who or what killed her, becoming a Hunter, and raising his sons as soldiers more than children.

When the boys reached adulthood, they would do their separate ways. Dean would remain with their father living the life of a Hunter, while Sam went to college with the aim of choosing a different path in life.

But that plan changes when their father goes missing and Sam is enlisted by Dean to aid in the search for him.

What follows is 15 seasons of chasing, hunting, searching, dodging death, saving each other, and incredible adventures that shake the Winchester boys to their very cores.

Through it all (aside from when events separate them), they are side by side, fighting together, having each other's back.

Fans have posed an interesting question, regarding the verbal expression of affection between Sam and Dean. We learn in the very first episode that Dean is not a fan of "chick flick moments" which precludes any hugging or expression of emotion.

Viewers have suggested that they merely express their love for each other in different ways, such as through teases and jests. But the fact remains, there is a very clear way Sam and Dean show their true feelings for each other. Through their actions.

Supernatural is brilliantly written and Sam and Dean Winchester are perfectly constructed characters. Any writer can have their muses express emotion through mere words, but it is the Winchester brothers' actions that define how much they love one another.

They are always there for each other, risking their lives to protect the other, and standing by each other when nobody else will.

While eagle-eared fans have pointed out that they do occasionally say the words, "I love you," it tends to be in passing, or said in jest.

The only time it seems to be genuinely heartfelt is in the finale, when Dean says to Sam, "I love you so much, my little brother." And strangely, Sam does not say "I love you," back.

But as one fan has pointed out, they literally went to Hell and back for each other. If that is not an action that screams "I love you," then what is?