Salma Hayek Once Made Eminem Wet at the Oscars (Lose Yourself Is to Blame)

Salma Hayek Once Made Eminem Wet at the Oscars (Lose Yourself Is to Blame)
Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

We promise you that it is not as bad as it sounds – it is actually worse. Over the course of his career, Eminem has had some insane stories with his fans. However, the one with Salma Hayek is probably in the top five.

Back in 2020, the famous actress shared a few photos of the most awkward hug in human history between her and Eminem.

We have never seen the rapper look so baffled, to be honest…

A year later, Hayek went on The Kelly Clarkson Show to tell the tale that unfolded behind the scenes at the 2020 Oscars, and it is so good.

Apparently, the world-renowned star has stage fright, and only one song in the world helps her deal with it.

You guessed it, it is Eminem's Lose Yourself.

As Salma was walking to the stage to present the award, she was singing it in her head and drinking the water to calm down (she really is a great actress, we would have never thought that she gets so shaken up).

At some point, the star realized that the lyrics and the music were not "syncing up," and she asked someone backstage if she was losing it or if Lose Yourself was playing at the moment (Eminem's Oscars appearance was kept secret until the very last moment, so we understand Salma's confusion).

The rapper was in fact performing the song on stage. Hayek understandably became even more "nervous."

As she was walking to the stage, she passed Eminem who was walking off it, and yelled at him "I love you! I love you!" without realizing that she still had water in her mouth.

Salma ended up spitting water all over the singer (who was in total shock, hence his facial expression in the photo), so she started apologizing and trying to shake the water off of Eminem's clothes while simultaneously begging someone to take a picture of them together.

This is how the now-iconic photo came to be. The actress admitted to feeling "embarrassed" (we get it, Salma), though everything turned out fine in the end.

When Eminem was asked if he enjoyed the Oscars in an interview for Variety, he said, "Absolutely. I got to hug Salma Hayek!" Aww, isn't that sweet?

Thankfully, this story has a happy ending – seemingly, both Salma Hayek and Eminem are fans of each other, so there is no bad blood over the spitting incident (and it won't haunt the actress in her sleep!).

Source: Kelly Clarkson Show, Variety