Remember When The Salvatore Brothers Used Sex To Get Back At Elena In The Vampire Diaries?

Remember When The Salvatore Brothers Used Sex To Get Back At Elena In The Vampire Diaries?
Image credit: The CW

Not a very innovative way, though…

There are a lot of questionable things The Vampire Diaries characters have done during the show's eight-season run. Lots of betrayals, unnecessary sacrifices, random romances, and tons of spilled (or sucked) blood.

The main characters, Damon, Stefan, and Elena, have hurt each other more times than anyone can count, and frankly, that would be pointless. Each of them thought at the time that what they were doing was absolutely right.

Even that time that Damon and Stefan once used the same person as a way to get back at Elena. Yes, we are talking about Rebekah hooking up with both of the Salvatore brothers.

This storyline is quite controversial if you look closely at what happened there. Basically, in the middle of season 4, Stefan decided that he’s done crying over Elena, and the time has come to move on. Even if he said to her that she doesn’t know how he looks when “not in love with her.”

Remember When The Salvatore Brothers Used Sex To Get Back At Elena In The Vampire Diaries? - image 1

And BAM, right after that, the steamy scene happens where he is on the top of Rebekah. Even though fans are still trying to justify him any way possible, there’s actually no way to do that. The choice of Rebekah is so bizarre: she literally killed Elena, Stefan’s loved one, and he still decides to have “crazy sex” with her.

But his brother is a decent competition when it comes to bizarre hook-up choices. The fact that Rebekah already shared the bed with Stefan didn’t stop Damon. He deliberately slept with her to make Elena jealous. Aren't these two supposed to be wise after the centuries they spend as adults?..

“Damon definitely slept with Rebekah to spite Elena, he even smirked after Elena saw her leaving. However I don’t feel bad for Elena after Stefan slept with Rebekah, because Elena simply wanted to have her cake and eat it too. Who Stefan sleeps with after they broke up is none of her business, it's that simple,” Redditor NajDoll said.

It seems that despite the fact that what the two brothers did was in some way disgusting, fans are not willing to blame them for it. Oddly enough, they feel more sympathy for Rebekah than for Elena in this situation.

To be honest, both girls had it pretty rough – dealing with two drama-queen vampires is hard on its own.