
Reddit Theory Links Rise of the Guardians to Iconic Tim Burton Movie, And It... Works

Reddit Theory Links Rise of the Guardians to Iconic Tim Burton Movie, And It... Works
Image credit: Paramount

Rise of the Guardians has become almost as iconic holiday rewatch as Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas.

What if there was a chilling connection between DreamWorks' 2012 hit Rise of the Guardians, and the beloved story of Jack Skellington brought to us by Tim Burton?

Well, one Reddit theory offers a way to connect two seemingly different movies in a way you probably never thought about.

Rise of the Guardians' main villain is Pitch a.k.a. Boogeyman, who started a nightmarish campaign against the Guardians and the kids who believe in them so that someone would believe in him as well. Luckily, the Guardians managed to defeat him... and that's where the most interesting part starts.

Pitch was banished into the underworld, disappearing in the void hidden somewhere... deep underground. Right where the entrances to Tim Burton's Halloween and Christmas town were concealed.

"Now, in this new place, he doesn't know and has lost his memories, he only remembers one word, Jack. Being dead in the darkness, he has changed, similar to how Jack Frost's appearance changed. He has become a skeleton. Since, he only remembers "Jack" he assumes that is his name, so he goes by Jack Skellington," the fan theory assumes.

It goes on to suggest that Pitch somehow ended up in Halloweentown, a place that notoriously loves the scary things, "so he ends up thriving here… being "believed in" again."

Seems like a stretch? Maybe. But doesn't Jack Skellington's obsession with Christmas hit different now that we know that it was Santa Claus and his crew who banished Pitch into the underworld?..

Of course, it's nothing but a fan theory... that makes sense so much it's scary.