
Reddit Just Came Up With The Craziest Twilight Spinoff Idea: Vampire Mermaids

Reddit Just Came Up With The Craziest Twilight Spinoff Idea: Vampire Mermaids
Image credit: globallookpress

What if we told you that mermaids are actually Twilight's vampires that live underwater?..

Wait, don't go yet! We promise this will make sense in a second.

Even though one too many years have passed since the last Twilight movie and even more since the last Twilight book, the fan community never sleeps.

In fact, it never sleeps to the point where you start to think that maybe they should — as their ideas become so bizarre they actually start making sense all of a sudden!

Recently, Twilight fans on Reddit came up with a new and rather ridiculously-sounding theory: the myths about mermaids (and merpeople in general) in the world of Twilight started because of vampires who live underwater.

This kind of presumes that such vampires exist in the first place, but we'll get to that in a sec.

It all began when one of the fans was listening to Midnight Sun and got to the part where Edward remembers having spent a few days living in the ocean.

This got them thinking… And then the rest of the community showed up and joined in.

Twilight vampires are the perfect candidates to be the origin of the merpeople tales. They don't need to breathe, see well in the dark, don't feel cold, and their skin is as hard as marble.

Most importantly, the sunlight doesn't kill them — it just makes their skin sparkle. Twilight vampires can most definitely live underwater with no issues.

This leads to the next assumption: what if some vampires do in fact live in the ocean?

Why wouldn't there be some Pacific Islander vampires that spend most of their time in the ocean, who adapted to feeding on marine animals instead of humans and became the reason the legends about merpeople exist…

Or didn't adapt and still needed to hunt humans — and became the real deal behind the siren myths. Either option fits the narrative perfectly, don't you think?

The only thing that goes against this theory is common sense.

Why would vampires even want to live underwater? Their primary prey is on land. Oceans stink, and they stink even more for those with heightened senses.

The movement is way more difficult underwater, and most vampire abilities are useless there, too. After all, vampires were humans, and humans are not fit for oceans.

These are the kinds of notions we were making while reading through the discussion in the subreddit, but hey. It's not like vampires exist in the first place, right?

So why wouldn't there be underwater vampires, too, if it sounds this fun?

Source: Reddit