Raj and Isabella: Missed TBBT Opportunity or The Show's Cringiest Storyline?

Raj and Isabella: Missed TBBT Opportunity or The Show's Cringiest Storyline?
Image credit: CBS

So many chances at love, most of them blown away almost immediately... That's the story of Raj in The Big Bang Theory.

The show pays enough attention to developing its characters' love stories.

So Howard gets a family soon enough (with two kids!), Leonard finally marries Penny and at the end gets her pregnant, and even Sheldon settles down with Amy.

The only one of the gang left outside alone was the Indian friend Rajesh Koothrappali.

The story of his love life actually starts out horribly in the series, as he couldn't even talk to girls at the beginning of the show.

Nevertheless, he managed to find himself in various strange sexual experiments or situationships.

Later he realized that alcohol can help with his disability and used it as a weapon (which we don't recommend). But even when he finally learned how to talk to girls, they didn't become less challenging for him.

Well, after some suffering during the show, he finally found a way to communicate with women. But as it turns out, he probably shouldn't have.

There was a particular love storyline that seemed like a great one at first. Raj met the cleaning lady from his office, a beautiful Hispanic woman who is much older than him.

He tried to spend some time with her, they definitely had a great chemistry. Since she was busy at work and couldn't go out with him, he even threw her a romantic dinner at the office after doing all the work for her.

So they started a relationship of sorts, but it predictably didn't end well.

This time it all went wrong because Raj decided he wasn't ready to admit to his friends that he was dating a cleaning lady, and Isabella (that was her name) was too proud to play such games with a clearly immature man with some serious issues.

Despite the fact that Raj killed that relationship with his lies, a lot of fans actually thought that those two would have made a great couple.

Mostly because Isabella could have been a great influence on him.

"I think it would have been an amazing learning opportunity for him. He was embarrassed of her job, but the reality is, the woman was working two jobs and had a teenage son to support.

All the while, he had always been living a lifestyle he couldn't afford on his salary and was dependent on his parents well into his thirties. He should have been embarrassed of that instead. Maybe being with her would have made him reconsider his values," Redditor Sleepy_Oboist said.

But the thing is, other fans were convinced that it was no good for her to date such an immature jerk who was so ashamed of her that he decided to lie about her job.

So they don't even miss the wasted storyline. Which side are you on?

Source: Reddit