
Quentin Tarantino's Picked His Side Between Star Wars and Star Trek

Quentin Tarantino's Picked His Side Between Star Wars and Star Trek
Image credit: Legion-Media

The battle between Star Wars and Star Trek fans is everlasting, and many famous people take part in it… So here’s where Quentin Tarantino stands in this war.

Considering how fast the time is these days, we can almost call the rivalry between Star Wars and Star Trek ancient at this point: some of the die-hard fans of these franchises might have already taught their third generation to walk, after all. But regardless of how many years have passed, the war has never ended.

In the public's eyes, Star Wars has an undeniably larger presence: first and foremost, it still has movies with insane budgets coming out… Don’t quote us on the quality of those movies, though.

This is one of the main points of the Star Trek fans, by the way: quality over quantity. It’s hard to argue with that logic, to be frank.

Quentin Tarantino definitely doesn’t: he’s a true Star Trek fan, but not for the reason you’d expect. Actually, for the reason that you totally wouldn’t expect — the director’s the biggest fan of William Shatner’s talent to have ever lived. That’s the reason.

“I like Star Trek more than Star Wars because William Shatner’s not in Star Wars. I think it’s one of the greatest performances in the history of episodic television, of a series lead, and rightly so, because very few series leads have ever gotten the opportunity to play all the different wild, crazy things,” explained Tarantino.

Thanks to Shatner’s performance, the famous director became a die-hard fan of Star Trek many years ago — he was into the franchise so much he even wanted to shoot an entire Star Trek movie! He had a script written but never got to finish the job.

“It’ll be Pulp Fiction in space. That Pulp Fiction-y aspect, when I read the script, I felt, I have never read a science fiction movie that has this sh*t in it, ever. There’s no science fiction movie that has this in it. And they said, I know, that’s why we want to make it. It’s, at the very least, unique in that regard,” shared the director.

So there you have it: one of the most famous directors of all time, Quentin Tarantino, is on the Star Trek side of the ring.

Sorry, Star Wars fans, but even though you have way more movies, none of them were written by Tarantino — even the ones that never saw the light of day. Unfortunate.

Source: Deadline