Proof Big Bang Theory Characters Would Be Just Terrible At Gaming IRL

Proof Big Bang Theory Characters Would Be Just Terrible At Gaming IRL
Image credit: CBS

For the show so geeky, they could've done much better research.

If there's one thing that fans of The Big Bang Theory have learned about the show through years of interviews, behind-the-scenes material, and trivia, it's that the show doesn't care as much about geek culture as it seems.

This is ironic, considering that you can find a line of Sheldon Cooper shirts next to the Star Trek ones in every merch store imaginable.

After the initial shock of finding out that Jim Parsons, who portrayed Sheldon Cooper for 12 years and now narrates the events of the series' prequel Young Sheldon, has never seen an episode of Star Trek or Doctor Who in his life, fans decided to dig deeper. And they were right to do so.

Questioning every detail they saw on screen, they even went so far as to discover that neither of the characters knew anything about gaming.

So proud of their in-game accomplishments, all of the guys appear to be very experienced gamers, competing in tournaments and even teaching Penny on occasion.

In reality, however, none of them would have a chance against even an average middle school student, as they play World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic on their laptops without mice.

Anyone with an interest in either of these games knows how impossible this setup would be. Almost as impossible as having sex in World of Warcraft, as Howard suggests.

What's even funnier is that it's not just PC games they don't know anything about. In a couple of instances, you can see characters playing Wii with no controllers or remotes in their hands.

Although these scenes could easily have been added as an easter egg to make the gamers in the audience crack up, fans tend to think they're random accidents.

With the speed of production, it's only fair to assume that the team decided to leave some details out for the sake of the scene.

Either way, they just add another level of fun to the rewatches, so go ahead and stream The Big Bang Theory on Netflix or MAX.