Out of All The Boys Badass Female Characters, This One is Fans' Favorite

Out of All The Boys Badass Female Characters, This One is Fans' Favorite
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Boys fans chose their favourite female character, and you have probably already guessed who this is.

Being a fresh take on the classic superhero stories, The Boys has won the love of viewers worldwide. At first, the characters coming from the comics series The Boys were supposed to be a parody of Marvel and DC perfect superheroes, but the deeply flawed and down-to-earth heroes of The Boys proved to be so close to the current reality that both the comics and the show have had – and continue to have – a huge impact on the modern audience.

It is hard to name one protagonist and antagonist when it comes to The Boys. All the characters are extremely complicated and well-developed. Someone viewers understand and love in one episode can do something terrible in another. And vice versa, a horrible character can suddenly redeem themselves.

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All this makes it hard to predict whether a character will be loved by fans when they first appear in the show. Nevertheless, the poll conducted between Seasons 2 and 3 on The Boys subreddit shows that when it comes to female characters, the majority of fans choose one particular Supe.

Almost half of the participants voted for Kimiko also known as The Female. All the fans' love is not surprising considering how deep and well-developed Kimiko's arc is. She went from a caged animal unable to communicate to a loyal and fierce character with dreams and genuine feelings.

Kimiko's specialty is well-staged fight scenes hilariously soundtracked by She's A Maniac. You got to admit that every time you hear the song, you think of Kimiko now.

And what about Kimiko's relationship with another fan-favorite character, Frenchie? That Musical Scene made fans' hearts melt.

Another favorite female character is Starlight, who came second in the poll. It is also quite predictable seeing Annie's arc is very similar to Hughie's story. She develops from a naive dreamy girl to a badass Supe capable of killing and making hard decisions.

Queen Maeve comes next with half the votes Starlight got. Out of the gender-swapped characters of Madelyn Stillwell and Stormfront, fans seem to prefer the Nazi villain, which surprised some of the commenters.

However, Stormfront supporters explained that they didn't vote out of love for the character, but rather because she was so well-written and opened the eyes of the viewers to how Nazism still works in modern American society.