
Out of All Spider-Man Deaths, This One Still Hits The Hardest (Thanks, No Way Home)

Out of All Spider-Man Deaths, This One Still Hits The Hardest (Thanks, No Way Home)
Image credit: Legion-Media

Since the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home, fans of The Amazing Spider-Man have been brought to tears every time they see this scene.

Spider-Man has a rich history on the big screen, consisting of not one, but three different iterations, all played by different actors, spanning eight solo films and several crossovers.

Naturally, many characters have met their demise on screen, mostly villains, but sometimes the writers decide to kill off a fan-favorite supporting character.

Probably the most heartbreaking example of this came in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014), the sequel to the second attempt to bring the web-slinger to the big screen, starring Andrew Garfield.

At the end of the film, Peter Parker's girlfriend Gwen Stacy, portrayed by Emma Stone, is dropped from the top of the clock tower by the Green Goblin.

Despite his best efforts, Peter is seconds too late to save her, leading to one of the most soul-crushing scenes in superhero movies as Gwen lies dead in his arms.

The great and genuine chemistry that Andrew and Emma have had throughout the films only adds to the tragedy of the moment, amplified by Garfield's brilliant performance, which perfectly captures Peter's grief, compounded by the weight of his own failure.

Many fans consider it the most heartbreaking scene in any Spider-Man movie to date.

Which Death Hits The Hardest for you
by u/PlacidoPrimo in Marvel

When the new era of Spider-Man movies arrived in the form of the MCU films, with Tom Holland donning the superhero's iconic suit, fans wondered if they would ever see the previous versions of the character on screen.

And when Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) arrived, their wishes were granted, with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield reprising their roles.

Unexpectedly, a certain scene at the end of the movie reopened the old wound of Gwen's death and at the same time gave Andrew's Spider-Man a kind of redemption.

When MJ, a love interest of Holland's Peter, falls from the Statue of Liberty and he fails to catch her, Andrew's Peter manages to do it in his place at the last moment, preventing the tragedy from happening again.

Garfield once again nailed the scene with his top-notch acting, making fans remember it even two years later.

The discussions continue until this day, even after Peter Parker as a character went through many more heartbreaking losses. Naturally, No Way Home made sure we never moved on from the most painful one.

As Reddit user FX2000 recently pointed out: "You can tell he went over her death a million times in his head, and knew exactly how he could've saved her," making the audience tear up along with his character."

Although the movie had another tragic moment with the death of May Parker, this scene could easily rival it in terms of drama.

However, fans can't wait to follow Tom Holland's Peter Parker to new adventures — even if some of them may lead him to experience something as traumatic as Andrew Garfield's Peter losing the love of his life.