Out of All Guest Stars on Friends, This A-Lister Was Officially The Worst

Out of All Guest Stars on Friends, This A-Lister Was Officially The Worst
Image credit: globallookpress

Showrunners of highly popular sitcoms like to invite big stars and other celebrities for cameo appearances and small roles.

That became a tradition for The Big Bang Theory and The Office, for example. But before them, Friends set the trend for inviting a lot of guest stars.

Not including actors, who appeared in some episodes of Friends, before they managed to become famous, there was over half a hundred of them.

But who of the guest stars had the worst performance on Friends? Well, some actors had cameos so unremarkable, that only the most avid fans of the series remember them now.

However, much of the audience believes that the anti-award should actually go to an A-list actor, who played an episodic, but notable role.

Bruce Willis appeared in three episodes of Friends Season 6. He played Paul Stevens, whose daughter Ross dated, and who did not approve of that due to the age difference between them, plus Ross being Elizabeth's teacher at the time.

He even used his physically imposing build to intimidate Ross. Stevens later proved himself to be a hypocrite, when he started dating Rachel, whose age difference with him as comparable to that of Elizabeth with Ross.

Paul Stevens was supposed to be an awkward character, but Willis apparently lacked comedic sense to play a character like this in a funny way.

So, even though Willis won an Emmy Award for Best Guest Actor in a Comedy for his performance as Stevens, common reactions of the viewers to said performance can be summed up as: "He's just so awkward in a sitcom. Painful at moments. The episodes aren't even bad, it's just him."

There is even a rumor that Willis only appeared on Friends because he lost a bet to Matthew Perry about box office performance of the movie in which they both appeared, The Whole Nine Yards (Willis was skeptical about its prospects).

And Willis himself eventually confirmed that rumor, when answering the most searched questions about himself, he said "I was on Friends because I lost a bet to Matthew Perry."

Well, not wanting to be in the series to start with might explain awkwardness of his performance.