
One Time Jessica Chastain Stood Up For Pay Raise For Octavia Spencer

 One Time Jessica Chastain Stood Up For Pay Raise For Octavia Spencer
Image credit: Legion-Media

A prime example of women supporting other women in the industry.

There is a general consensus among movie lovers around the world: they all seem to love Jessica Chastain. Not only is she an extremely talented actress who kills it in every film, but she is also a very genuine and nice person.

Chastain supports many important causes and is always so nice to both journalists and fans that one has no choice but to adore her and support her at every step of her career.

What many may not know about the actress is that she's willing to risk her own profit in order to stand up for her co-stars.

This instance was once reported by Octavia Spencer, with whom Chastain was set to share the screen in an untitled Universal Studios holiday film in 2018.

The actresses knew each other from their work on The Help and had developed a great friendship.

So when Chastain heard about the unfair payment Spencer was receiving for this new movie, she was so upset that she decided to take action.

"I told her my story and we talked numbers and she was quiet, and she had no idea that that's what it was like for women of color. She said 'Octavia, we're going to get you paid, and you and I are going to be tied together. We're going to make the same thing,'" Spencer shared on the 2018 Sundance Festival panel.

Judging by the genuine emotion Octavia Spencer showed when recalling the story, this act of support was very meaningful to her, regardless of the outcome.

However, Chastain's solidarity not only proved her kindness but also helped make a real difference, as Spencer was promised five times more pay than what was originally discussed.

Unfortunately, the film's production seemed to be scrapped or delayed, so the iconic actress duo never got the chance to appear on the big screen together again.

However, this story and act of kindness has received a lot of praise and inspired an important conversation about pay equity to resurface and continue with women of color in mind.

Source: Variety