One Soap Opera You'll Love as a Supernatural Fan (No, Seriously)

One Soap Opera You'll Love as a Supernatural Fan (No, Seriously)
Image credit: The CW

What if the real soap opera was the 15 seasons they made along the way?

If you absolutely adored the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchesters, and you're not completely against the idea of watching soap operas, we have a little something you might want to check out.

Any OG Supernatural fan knows that at some point, the CW hit has become somewhat of a soap opera itself. It happened somewhere after season 5, when the show was supposed to be over, if it wasn't for the enormous fan love it had.

So the tumultuous journey of Sam and Dean Winchester went on, only to become 15 seasons instead of five — for better or worse.

Well, if you want another guilty pleasure now that Supernatural is over, and all the mainstream shows don't work for you, hear us out: watch Passions.

One Soap Opera You'll Love as a Supernatural Fan (No, Seriously) - image 1

Passions is the last daytime television soap opera created specifically for American network television, and it has two things we Supernatural fans love the most: drama and paranormal stuff.

The soap has nine season and 2,231 episodes (which looks quite scary when compared to Supernatural's 327, but hey, who's counting?). At least you can be sure that you won't have to muscle through more episodes, since Passions ended in 2008.

The show revolves around the residents of Harmony, a small town in New England that has too many secrets for our comfort. Passions is somewhat Modern Family-ish, since it focuses on several multi-racial core families.

Also, there is a town witch Tabitha Lenox and her living doll, Timmy. The duo is responsible for the paranormal aspect of the show.

Canceled by NBC in 2007, Passions got resurrected by DirecTV, but months after picking the soap up, the network decided not to renew the contract. Some things are better off ending at the right moment, aren't they, Supernatural?

Anyhow, feel free to stream Passions if you're in a mood of obtaining yet another cringeworthy guilty pleasure... or take our recommendation with a pinch of salt, like Sam and Dean Winchester would.