
One Harry Potter Movie Character Who Stole the Show From Her Book Counterpart

One Harry Potter Movie Character Who Stole the Show From Her Book Counterpart
Image credit: Warner Bros.

The performance of this actress never ceases to amaze fans.

J.K. Rowling has undoubtedly won the hearts of millions of readers around the world, and the movies have introduced many new viewers to the Wizarding world. The cult books of the English author captured the souls of the fans with interesting plots, magical atmosphere and, of course, memorable characters.

And if the first two movies were similar to the book source, then since the Prisoner of Azkaban everything began to change dramatically. And the fans started to think about who could handle the story better. Most of the Harry Potter fans have a preference for the books, but there was one thing that the movies did better.

It was Dolores Umbridge. In J.K. Rowling's novels, Umbridge appears as a conniving and power-hungry character. She is a high-ranking employee of the Ministry of Magic and becomes a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Dolores is known for her strict and oppressive rules, as well as her sadistic pleasure in punishing her students.

However, fans believe that it is in the movie version of Order of the Phoenix that Umbridge truly comes to life, thanks to the brilliant performance of Imelda Staunton. Her performance transforms Dolores from a despicable character in the book to an unforgettable and despised villain on screen.

One of the reasons Staunton's portrayal of Umbridge surpasses the book's image is her ability to seamlessly transition from sweetness to vicious cruelty. Dolores is known for her sugar-sweet demeanor and her love of all things pink.

Staunton captures these qualities perfectly, creating a disarming personality that becomes even more shocking when Umbridge reveals her true nature. With subtle facial expressions and a carefully modulated voice, the actress embodies the hidden menace and sadism that lurks beneath the Ministry of Magic employee's polite facade.

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Staunton's comic timing is impeccable. Despite the role of the villain, the actress brings moments of dark humor to Umbridge, causing fear and discomfort in the audience and adding depth to her character.

The prim demeanor, the correct posture, the evil grin and the elaborate hand movements — every aspect of Staunton's performance makes Dolores even more repulsive than her book version. Imelda has taken an ordinary villain from the books and turned her into a truly multi-dimensional evil. And now it's impossible to imagine the character of Umbridge without Staunton.

Source: Reddit