One Doctor Who Season 5 Plot Hole So Ridiculous It Makes You Facepalm

One Doctor Who Season 5 Plot Hole So Ridiculous It Makes You Facepalm
Image credit: BBC

Doctor Who has been pretty solid when it comes to continuity, but even this pioneering sci-fi series has slipped a few times.

Apart from the fact that humans should have become experts on the extraterrestrial, considering how often the Earth gets invaded, and yet they haven’t, Doctor Who has been careful not to mess up the timeline or other historical canon too much.

There is, however, one inaccuracy in the season 5 episode The Vampires of Venice that just stars the viewer right in the face. If you are struggling to remember, the Doctor takes Amy and Rory to Venice for a romantic getaway to mend their relationship, but as usual, something goes wrong.

Instead of a nice date, the couple must fight off real-life vampires (well, fish-like aliens who disguised themselves as such) and save the city from being flooded by their leader Rosanna Calvierri.

Rosanna and her son have perception filters that allow people to see them in human form, rather than their true form. Viewers even see the filters flicker and reveal what the aliens look like in reality at some point.

One Doctor Who Season 5 Plot Hole So Ridiculous It Makes You Facepalm - image 1

At the end of the episode, Rosanna loses to the Doctor and decides to commit suicide by giving herself in human form to her 10,000 sons in the water (who devour her because they don’t realize that it is their mother).

When she comes up to the alien water habitat, she first undresses and then jumps into the water. The question is – why does she take off her dress if those clothes do not exist as they are part of the perception filter along with the rest of her human form?

This scene may look tragic, but the little detail with the clothes just makes no sense and, frankly, makes the ending laughable. It’s things like this that take the audience out of the show and thrust them back into reality, leaving a bitter aftertaste. Doctor Who creators, do better!

Have you noticed this detail?