Nobody Needed These 10 TV Shows Based on Movies (That's Why They Sucked)

Nobody Needed These 10 TV Shows Based on Movies (That's Why They Sucked)
Image credit: NBC, FOX

Sure, sometimes we want more context behind the lore of a certain movie, and seeing a continuation that would expand on it or, dare we say, a TV series that dives deeper into the specifics is amazing.

But these 10 shows prove that it's not always necessary and can even be harmful.

Most of the time, the main reason why TV adaptations of movies feel lackluster is the casting. We're used to certain actors in certain roles, and seeing someone else feels a bit weird.

Sometimes, they just can't do the character justice because every actor brings something new to them and cannot be a perfect copy, so the mannerisms feel off, and the general vibe seems lackluster. And don't get us started on the self-contained deep and impactful stories being continued in a cheap procedural fashion.

This is one of the worst things that can happen to a movie. We've been talking about series being able to expand on the story, but sometimes condensed pacing is what it needs, and TV shows based on the same premise become way too dragged out and filled with meaningless stuff that doesn't add anything to the original. Minority Report could've been good.