
No CGI: Why Christopher Nolan Decided to Make Oppenheimer The Old-Fashioned Way

No CGI: Why Christopher Nolan Decided to Make Oppenheimer The Old-Fashioned Way
Image credit: Universal Pictures

Like there’s not enough buzz around the movie already.

It seems like the whole world has just frozen in anticipation of Christopher Nolan 's new upcoming movie. Oppenheimer hits the big screens in almost a week, and everyone is so excited to finally see Cillian Murphy in a starring role in Nolan's film.

Almost every day new little details about the movie are revealed to the world. In a recent interview with Collider, Christopher Nolan shared something that really surprised fans. The thing is, apparently there will be little to no CGI in Oppenheimer.

This actually came as a shock to fans for one reason: it just seemed impossible to make a movie about the creation of the atomic bomb, with all the testing that went on during that process, without the help of computer graphics.

But as it turns out, Nolan has never been a big fan of CGI. So this decision of his actually makes sense. When possible, he prefers to use hands-on camerawork to avoid making his project feel completely unrealistic, using effects only when necessary to make things feel seamless.

Although computer graphics are very powerful, and can be used to create just about anything, Nolan is certain that it just seems a little... too safe. Which was not what he was looking for when he created Oppenheimer.

"The Trinity Test, ultimately, but also those early imaginings of Oppenheimer visualizing the quantum realm, they had to be threatening in some way. They had to have the bite of real-world imagery," Nolan explained.

The filmmaker added that the tricky aspect of Oppenheimer was "trying to have both ends of the scale," and it seems that using practical effects rather than CGI was ultimately the way to achieve the look and feel he was going for.

Source: Collider