
Netflix’s New Gripping Japanese Movie Is a Must-Watch For Crime Thriller Fans

Netflix’s New Gripping Japanese Movie Is a Must-Watch For Crime Thriller Fans
Image credit: Warner Bros

A perfect puzzle for the fans of the genre.

In order to get an adrenaline rush we often choose to watch something dark and mysterious. Horrors and thrillers are the two of the most popular genres out there and we get why. The gripping stories that are told from the screens are so captivating it’s hard to let go of the obsession.

If you are a thriller fan though, you may also enjoy the dark stories about serial killers and probably have watched everything out there. In this case, there’s something new on Netflix that will definitely catch your attention.

The movie that hit the platform at the beginning of the month is called Lumberjack the Monster. Created in 2023, the Japanese movie centers on a ruthless lawyer Akira Ninomiya. The thing is, some bizarre serial murders started to take place around, and it seems that Ninomiya is the next target…

All the murders before the attack on Ninomiya seemed to be influenced by the picture book "Kaibutsu no Kikor." The murderer wears the mask of the "Lumberjack Monster" and attacks his victims' with an ax to take their brains. Icky, right?

Well, what we need to know about Akira Ninomiya is that in a way, he is also a cold-blooded person, as he has sociopathic traits and lacks empathy for almost everybody around, even though he is a lawyer.

After surviving the attack, he sets his mind on revenge, but there's no way he can do it alone. The case must be solved like a puzzle, including finding out why the serial killer takes the brain of the victim and why the next target was chosen. And it’s in Akira’s best interest to solve the puzzle in order to save his own life.

The movie is Takashi Miike’s creation, and the fans of his other works just knew in advance this one would also be perfect.

“One of my favorite filmmakers. Being so prolific he doesn't always manage to hit the landing with his films but even those pictures that miss contain plenty of inventiveness and flashes of his own wicked sense of humor to make them interesting,” Redditor Ok_Nikkatsu said.

Well, if you feel interested enough to tune in, Lumberjack the Monster is now streaming on Netflix.