Netflix’s Most Overlooked Fantasy Series Just Returned with Season 2 & 100% Tomatometer 

Netflix’s Most Overlooked Fantasy Series Just Returned with Season 2 & 100% Tomatometer 
Image credit: Netflix

Ancient Greek mythology has never been brought to the screen in such a gripping and violent way.

Greek mythology is perhaps one of the most overused settings in popular culture. It has been used everywhere from the God of War video games to movies and TV shows like Percy Jackson and the Olympians. So it's all the more amazing to see an original animated series from Netflix that manages to tell a story that's both familiar and entirely new, spiced with a fair amount of horror and gore.

Fans of high-quality animation, Greek mythology and spectacular action should not miss Blood of Zeus from the creators of Castlevania.

What is Blood of Zeus About?

The young man Heron and his mother Electra live in an unnamed Greek polis. The inhabitants of the town do not like the couple: they blame them for any misfortune and sometimes try to throw stones at them.

But when the settlement is attacked by demons, it turns out that it is Heron who must save the inhabitants and the whole world. For he is the son of Zeus himself.

Heron's journey and the story of his rise from outcast to powerful demigod responsible for the fate of the world is a global arc on which many other stories are strung.

All of Blood of Zeus' Intricate Storylines are Well-Developed

Netflix’s Most Overlooked Fantasy Series Just Returned with Season 2 & 100% Tomatometer - image 1

The fierce confrontation between Zeus and his betrayed wife Hera, the story of the gods of Olympus' struggle with the almost Lovecraftian Giants, the invasion of demons led by the mysterious Seraphim – the writers not only managed to fit several well-developed storylines into the eight half-hour episodes of the first season, but also to interweave them.

This is confirmed by the rating of the first season of Blood of Zeus on Rotten Tomatoes – perfect 100%.

Blood of Zeus is a Dynamic Fantasy Series With Lots of Impressive Action

Netflix’s Most Overlooked Fantasy Series Just Returned with Season 2 & 100% Tomatometer - image 2

The fights are not only full of brutal action and ultra-violence, but also of diversity – the creators of the series managed to avoid repetition until the very end.

Outside the battles, there is also something to look at: the animators managed to present even such familiar places as the crossing of the river Styx in the realm of Hades in an original and at the same time canonical way.

The second season was released on Netflix on May 9th and repeated the fate of the first season, receiving its well-deserved 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. So if you're a fan of ancient culture or just like animated series, you can't do better than Blood of Zeus right now.