NCIS Fans Still Can’t Forget These 3 Episodes That Made Them Ugly Cry

NCIS Fans Still Can’t Forget These 3 Episodes That Made Them Ugly Cry
Image credit: CBS

And they are not all old ones.

When a show stays on air long enough, it becomes your friend of sorts. All the characters become close to you, you root for them with all your heart, you wish them well when they need it and you yell at your screen something like “go to hell” when somebody wrongs your favorite cast member.

NCIS fans definitely experienced a lot of different emotions during the show’s run, and even today the series continues making them all too emotional. Although many characters have come and go over the years, the love towards the show never faded away.

But of course there were some episodes over all these years that were just too hard to handle and made fans ugly cry for the entire weekend and sometimes more. Here are just three of them.

Heartland, Season 6 Episode 4

This episode follows a tragic incident. In an alley behind a bar, there was an ambush that left one of two Marines dead from all injuries, while the second survived but was still badly beaten. So the team starts to investigate and apparently the case gets even darker when Gibbs learns that it is connected to his hometown.

“Not so much the episode itself, but the heart wrenching ending when Gibbs is leaving Stillwater. Here we find out how he and Shannon met, and the fact that she is the one who taught him ‘the rules’. His remembrance of their encounter at the train station had the look of First Love, Love at 1st Sight etc,” Redditor Allin2day said.

Newborn King, Season 9 Episode 11

NCIS Fans Still Can’t Forget These 3 Episodes That Made Them Ugly Cry - image 1

When something terrible happens on Christmas Eve, it always hits harder. So when a Navy captain dies by gunfire on the day, Gibbs and company start to investigate. However, as they dig deeper, they realize that the real target is not even him, but Emma, a pregnant Marine first lieutenant. But the assassins will stop at nothing to achieve their goals…

Ephemera, Season 17 Episode 16

Another devastating episode is the one where the team investigates a Vietnam veteran by sorting through all the papers he’s collected and reliving his life.

“The ending shot of the photograph Art always looked at (containing him and his wife when they first met) always makes me tear up. Also, cop Jimmy is hilarious,” Redditor GameknightJ14 said.