NCIS Fans Need to Stop With Blind Parker Hatred and Accept the Reality

NCIS Fans Need to Stop With Blind Parker Hatred and Accept the Reality
Image credit: CBS

McGee was never the right choice.

When the show lasts as long and has as many branches as NCIS, changes are inevitable. While some are more welcome than others, sometimes fans just have to brace themselves and prepare for all possible scenarios. After Gibbs' departure from the show, this point has become even more apparent.

While it's understandable that it can be hard to get used to any replacement, change isn't always bad. And if you open your eyes and your heart, you may come to accept the way the show is going, as many other fans have already done. The devastating truth is that Alden Parker is exactly the person NCIS needs.

Why Didn’t McGee Replace Gibbs?

Everyone in and out of the NCIS universe was shocked to see McGee remain a senior agent instead of taking Gibbs' place when he left. It seems like a no-brainer not only to the audience, but also to Leon Vance, who was willing to offer him a job without a second thought. Given the NCIS hierarchy, it was a no-brainer.

However, as rare as it is for something so obvious to come true on the show, McGee did not become Gibbs' replacement, and that drew a lot of hatred from the fandom for the man who did get the job, Alden Parker. And as the show progressed, more and more people wanted to see him go, even though he was proving to be effective.

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Certainly, it is hard to lose a character as important to the entire agency as Gibbs was. Much more than just a good leader, he lived and breathed his job, even at times when it was clearly difficult and overwhelming. He had great advice for each of his agents, but he was also lonely and burdened by his past, so his replacement's lighter approach is a nice change.

McGee may have turned down the position because of the longer hours and paperwork, but in reality his character was never set up to be the leader this group needs. Could he pull off a few episodes? Of course, but knowing the way the character is written, he would have been back in the same position.

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Maybe in the future of NCIS we will still have a chance to see McGee shine and take on more of a leadership role. In the best case scenario, Parker might even be the one to mentor him or suggest that he step up. Given that he won't be in the best of shape after the grand finale of season 21, that may be where the story is headed.

If you are interested in what the 22nd season of the franchise has in store for both Parker and McGee, stay tuned for all the news and behind-the-scenes updates.