Most Hilarious Succession Scenes That Crack Us Up Every Time

Most Hilarious Succession Scenes That Crack Us Up Every Time
Image credit: Legion-Media

Even if you binge-watched Succession a hundred times, we bet you still laugh at these.

Succession, the HBO drama series, has taken the world by storm with its gripping storyline, complex characters, and impeccable acting.

However, one of the most captivating aspects of the show is its ability to inject humor into even the most tense and dramatic situation, from sharp-witted one-liners to absurdly hilarious scenes.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to relive some of the funniest moments from the great show.

Greg testifying in court

In the 10th and final episode of season 2, Greg was called to testify in court regarding the sexual misconduct on Brightstar Cruises.

The way Greg acts, how awkward but enormously funny and poetic it is, made this scene so hilarious. Some fans would even love to see Greg's whole testimony.

Roman's rocket fail

In the 10th episode of season 1 one hilarious scene is when Roman is silently watching newsfeed of his rocket blowing up on his iphone without showing any feelings whatsoever.

Also attentive viewers might notice the way he immediately washes his hands trying to get rid of the guilt.

Kendall's birthday party

At the start of Kendall's birthday party in the 17th episode Too Much Birthday of season 3, Kendall asks "You think this is too much?" while pointing towards something behind him.

The camera quickly turns to reveal a colossal crucifix, which certainly made a lot of viewers burst into laughter.

Tom's Grandpa scene

In the episode 5 of season 1 Greg calls Tom while he is driving with his grandfather. "I'm driving my grandpa" Tom says to explain that he can't show up in the office.

Greg's response "F your grandpa" is hilarious on its own but given that he was on speakerphone made this scene absolutely fun.

Most Hilarious Succession Scenes That Crack Us Up Every Time - image 1

Imaginary cat

In the 14th episode of season 3 Logan has gone mad. Logan is worried that there might be a dead cat under his chair, and he wants it removed before his deceased sister.

The whole sequence is an example of absurdity in art, but it gains its momentum when Kendall arrives unexpectedly, and Colin leaves the room while holding an empty paper bag as if it contains a dead cat.

Sources: Reddit