
More Powerful Than Scarlet Witch: New Avengers Villain Is Revealed

More Powerful Than Scarlet Witch: New Avengers Villain Is Revealed
Image credit: Legion-Media

Does this mean the end for the most powerful superhero alliance?

Published by Marvel Comics in 1963, the Avengers were first introduced in The Avengers #1. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the team of Earth's Mightiest Heroes originally included only five members.

Over the years, the roster of the Avengers has expanded and changed, with numerous heroes and heroines joining the team, and in 2012, the Avengers made their debut in the MCU film, introducing the familiar Holy Six of the alliance.

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye — these superheroes usually work on an individual basis, but occasionally come together as a team to take on exceptionally powerful villains.

Over the years, fans have had the opportunity to delve deeper into the Avengers universe, witnessing their gritty battles and personal lives, both in the comics and in the movies.

There wasn't a bad guy that the Avengers couldn't take down, even if they had to die for this.

With the deaths of Tony Stark and Black Widow and the departure of Captain America in Avengers: Endgame film, the fate of the most powerful alliance of heroes in the cinematic universe remains unclear.

However, in the newly released Avengers Beyond comics, fans are introduced to what seems to be MCU's most powerful and dangerous villain.

Avengers Beyond #3, created by Derek Landy, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, and Frank D'Armata, introduces the Lost One, an ancient and formidable entity that the Avengers come face to face with Thanos' Black Order in their hunt for the Beyonder.

Effortlessly defeating heroes such as She-Hulk, Thor, and even the most powerful Captain Marvel, this villain proves to be one of the Avengers' most dangerous foes.

Given the Lost One's immense powers, like omnipotence, immortality, mind controlling, and multiversal travel abilities, it may seem unlikely that the Avengers will emerge victorious against such a formidable foe.

More Powerful Than Scarlet Witch: New Avengers Villain Is Revealed - image 1

Earth's mightiest heroes will certainly face a daunting challenge against the overwhelming Lost One, who is trapped with them on Earth.

It will be interesting to see how the Avengers deal with the cosmic god in the comics, and whether this supervillain has potential for a new generation of Avenger movies.