Matthew Perry May Have Found a Perfect Replacement for Joey from Friends

Matthew Perry May Have Found a Perfect Replacement for Joey from Friends
Image credit: Legion-Media

Once upon a time in an alternate reality, Matthew Perry stumbled upon an alternate Joey and… danced in the fountain with him!

Imagine Friends in the multiverse. Would Chandler still have his Joey? Of course, this is like Multiverse 101.

Back in 1997, Matthew Perry hosted Saturday Night Live, and he addressed one problem that New Yorkers seemed to have with the hit sitcom – Friends depicted New Yorkers (the main six) dancing in the fountain just for the fun of it, and real-life New Yorkers weren't buying it!

Perry didn't want to give them the satisfaction of being right, so he set out to find proof that New Yorkers could and did dance in the fountain if they felt like it. It wasn't an easy job to accomplish.

First, Matthew encountered a construction worker, who was clearly a fan of his, and thought that he would surely rise to the challenge.

Well, he didn't. Then another guy just completely ignored the actor and his suggestion. Could he be any ruder?

Tensions started running high. An older lady, who seemed quite polite, turned out not to be, as she just told Matthew to "f*ck off."

Finally, Perry found a guy who was interested in dancing with him in the fountain, but he was just a little too interested – he started undressing in the middle of the street, which creeped the actor out.

He bailed, telling the guy to "give him a call" next time and throwing his Friends co-star under the bus. When the weirdo asked for Matthew's name, he blurted out, "David Schwimmer. "

Well, David's in for a fascinating call later!

After so many failed attempts, Perry was desperate. He saw an older man sitting by the fountain and thought that this was it, but he still wouldn't join Matthew. Wonder why, huh? Sixth time (how ironic) was the charm.

Exhausted and not really hoping for a "yes" at that point, the actor sat down next to the guy eating a hot dog and said, "I don't suppose there's any chance in any way in any world at any time that you would just go into the fountain with me and dance and just have some kind of fun, is there?"

To Perry's surprise, the guy agreed, the two of them happily did the Friends opening sequence, and it was adorable!

By the way, the man looked a little too familiar. With the shirt and the hair and the body type, he looked like Joey from the season 7 episode, The One With The Truth About London, where we saw an alternate reality where Monica and Joey were together, and Joey got a little too attached to her delicious food.

The resemblance is uncanny! It is comforting to know that when Chandler almost gives up trying to find a "friend" to dance around with, "Joey" is there for him (when the rain starts to pour).