
Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok Wanted to Fix One Plot Hole… and Created Another

Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok Wanted to Fix One Plot Hole… and Created Another
Image credit: Legion-Media

The creators of 2017's Thor: Ragnarok didn't think things through when they added a small but essential joke to the plot.

In the movie, Hela enters Odin's vault, sees his Infinity Gauntlet, and promptly declares it "a fake." While the scene is totally played for laughs, it raised some eyebrows at the time – why would the writers include this joke?

Turns out, they did it to fix a plot hole that had existed in the MCU for a few years. The first Thor movie established that the Infinity Gauntlet was kept in Odin's vault.

Four years later, Avengers: Age of Ultron's post-credits scene revealed that Thanos had the Gauntlet, creating a major continuity flaw.

Thor: Ragnarok may have fixed that plot hole, but introduced another one. Why would Odin have a fake or a replica of the Gauntlet if Thanos was supposed to be the first one to use more than one Infinity Stone at a time?

Something doesn't add up, and we have been left without an explanation for years.

Don't you worry, fans have found a way to "mend" this plot hole too, and we actually hope that this theory will be confirmed by Marvel at some point (that's how awesome it is).

Let's say that Odin learned about the Infinity Stones and what they could do from his father. We already know that Odin hasn't always been the benevolent and peace-loving ruler that he is when we first meet him.

Before Thor and Loki were born, Odin roamed the universe in search of worlds to conquer, with Hela at his side.

At one point or another, he could have found some of the stones and gone to Nidavellir where the dwarves were supposed to forge the Gauntlet, but first, they made a model ("fake") Gauntlet with test Infinity Stones to give Odin an idea of what the real thing would look like.

Somewhere down the line, Odin discovered the location of the Soul Stone and realized the sacrifice he would have to make.

Unable to bring himself to kill his beloved daughter, Odin decided to abandon his conquering days and search for the Infinity Stones altogether, but Hela didn't agree because she was hungry for power.

Odin eventually had to battle Hela and lock her away, and he left the model Infinity Gauntlet in his vault as a reminder of all he had lost. This is how Odin became the kind and caring ruler we know.

Thanos later traveled to Nidavellir and found out about Odin's attempts, forcing the dwarves to finish what they started all those years ago.

This fan theory brilliantly explains all the plot holes in Thor: Ragnarok and actually seems plausible enough to exist in the MCU. Maybe one day we'll even get an official confirmation?