
Magical Product Placement: Real-Life Brands Harry Potter Characters Used

Magical Product Placement: Real-Life Brands Harry Potter Characters Used
Image credit: Legion-Media

In Harry Potter, wizards were pretty separated from Muggles and rarely used their newest inventions.

Wizards had their own sports, music, transportation means, desserts, media, and all that good stuff… And, of course, they had their own brands.

It seems like there was no reason for wizards to use any Muggle alternatives since they had everything of their own (or so they thought because they never read this article, but some real-life Muggle brands still made it into the franchise!

Obviously, most of the Muggle brands mentioned came from the Dursleys — what else would they be using?

Uncle Vernon read The Daily Mail, hummed Tiptoe Through the Tulips, and wouldn't even like Arthur Weasley if he drove a Ferrari.

Dudley threw his PlayStation out of the window when he was angry and loved Knickerbocker glory… You get the point.

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But some of the wizards also loved themselves some good Muggle brand!

The greatest average Muggle stuff enjoyer was, of course, none other than Mr. Arthur Weasley.

He famously admired all the things connected to Muggles and was severely judged for it by every other wizard including his own wife — but it never stopped him from buying a Ford Anglia and tinkering with it to the point where the car could fly and develop a conscience.

Another wizard who got famous for preferring something Muggle to its magical alternative was Dean Thomas, Harry's classmate.

Considering Dean came from a Muggle family, it shouldn't be a surprise…

But Dean was truly unstoppable trying to prove to everyone that soccer was better than quidditch and that his favorite West Ham United was cooler than Ron's Chudley Cannons.

Both before and after Harry became familiar with the brands of the wizarding world, he was striving for some Muggle stuff.

During his first ride on board Hogwarts Express, he was hoping to buy some Mars bars from the food trolley; and when preparing for the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, he was considering summoning an Aqua-Lang to survive underwater.