Lupin Season 4 Must Answer These 5 Burning Questions Or Fans Will Lose It

Lupin Season 4 Must Answer These 5 Burning Questions Or Fans Will Lose It
Image credit: Netflix

Nervous anticipation starts now.

Lupin season 3 was packed with action and the most unexpected plot twists. It's hard to count how many times we gasped in shock as the one and only Assane Diop did something extraordinary over and over again.

Last season showed Assane in a different light and explored his personality much deeper. The introduction of his mother helped. However, Mariama's appearance in the show caused a lot of chaos and fans are sure that the huge cliffhanger that ended the season is somehow her fault and she's the one who betrayed him.

At the end of the season, we saw that Assane was finally captured by Guedirra, but it seems that even in prison, Assane is still in danger, as he received a letter from his nemesis Pellegrini. What is he up to? What will happen to Assane?

Here are the 5 questions that season 4 needs to answer.

1. What’s Hubert Pellegrini’s Plan?

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No one asked for Pellegrini patriatch's unpleasant face as the final cut of the season. But it is what it is, and apparently chapter 4 will focus on revealing what he has been up to all these years behind bars. Is it enough that he got someone close to Assane to betray him and put him in prison? Or, knowing how evil the man really is, is there much more to his plan to make Diop pay for what he did to him?

2. Who Was The Traitor?

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The next logical question that comes to mind is that we need to find out who betrayed Assane. The finale hinted that it could have been someone close to him. The letter Hubert wrote to him quoted Lupin's La Cagliostro's Revenge and showed several faces of possible traitors: the mother Mariama, the best friend Ben, and the most unexpected face of Juliette Pellegrini.

While the fans think that the last one is the least possible, because Juliette was never part of his inner circle, they think that Ben or Mariama are the most likely ones to have betrayed Assane. And there are plenty of reasons to believe this.

3. What Happened To Ben In Prison?

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There's a reason we think Ben might be the traitor. First of all, Assane betrayed him, the only best friend he ever had, the one who was always there for him, and let him go to prison. And while we got the sense that Ben will forgive him, if he hasn't already, there was still some tension between him and Claire at the end of the season when they met to run away.

The other thing is the fact that he might have been attacked in prison. Because when we first saw him there, his face looked fine, but when Claire visited him, his face was riddled with cuts and bruises. So it's obvious that something terrible happened to him. Maybe it was Pellegrini who made Ben suffer in order to use him to hurt Diop. Season 4 will have to explore that.

4. Why Did Mariama Only Appear After Assane’s Fake Death?

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Mariama Diop, Assane's mother, was never in the picture in previous seasons, but the third chapter introduced her into the narrative and shed some light on their story. She stayed in Senegal after Assane and Babakar left for France and, as she claimed, worked really hard to earn enough money to buy a ticket to reunite with them in France.

But when her boss betrayed her, she decided to steal the money and ended up in prison. As she told Assane, she was too ashamed to face him, but that didn't stop her from coming to his funeral. She had seemingly been in France for a long time and knew how to find him, but never did. Why not? That's the question season 4 will have to answer.

5. Why Did Keller Use Mariama to Hurt Assane But not Claire or Raul?

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Another unanswered question that has lingered in the minds of fans is, if Keller wanted to hurt Assane so badly, why would he choose his mother as a target? She has never even been present in his life, they have not even seen each other in 25 years, and yet Keller knew she would be at the funeral and sent Manon to bring her to him.

Instead, he could have chosen to hurt Claire or Raul, knowing that there's no one more important in Assane's life than those two. The fact that Mariama was the one who became their target only hints at the strange connection that might exist between them.