
Lord Voldemort's Most Unique Horcrux Could've Changed History in Harry Potter

Lord Voldemort's Most Unique Horcrux Could've Changed History in Harry Potter
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Tom Riddle’s Diary was a very special Horcrux in many ways, and if actually worked out in The Chamber of Secrets, the Wizarding World would’ve been in more danger.

Lord Voldemort was utterly moronic about his own soul, shattering into pieces until there was literally nothing left of him in his own body. The Dark Lord was so scared of death that he created multiple Horcruxes, each of them containing a different piece of his soul, but among all seven, only one was truly special and unique.

The Diary of Tom Riddle was very distinct from the other Horcruxes: it had an actual consciousness. Unlike any others, it was capable of independently communicating with people, making informed decisions, and even interacting with the outside world through the use of its own kind of magic. It was clearly the most dangerous Horcrux.

While other Horcruxes could only prey on other people’s deepest fears and emotions when put in danger, the Diary actually contained the memories and the psyche of the young Tom Riddle. That Tom Riddle could share his memories with others, as a Pensive, but he also could choose their context to manipulate people. Scary stuff.

We’re not even talking about this Horcrux’s ability to possess people!

Without even fully devouring Ginny Weasley’s life essence, the Diary spawned a copy of young Tom Riddle that was solid and real enough to command the Basilisk, interact with physical objects, and even perform magic using a wand. The extent of this Horcrux’s powers was seemingly limitless, and it could do amazing things.

Lord Voldemort's Most Unique Horcrux Could've Changed History in Harry Potter - image 1

All these facts lead us to believe that if its plan worked out, the Diary would’ve worked differently from what the other Horcruxes were supposed to do. Instead of bringing back the Wraith Voldemort — the shadow-like creature lurking in the woods — it would’ve fully materialized the young Tom Riddle. It almost managed that, too.

This would’ve obviously resulted in a peculiar situation: while the elder Voldemort was still, well, merely existing somewhere out there, there would’ve been a second copy of him that was younger and stronger. A copy that would’ve soon been found by its creator…and at that point, the possibilities would’ve been terrifying.

Lord Voldemort's Most Unique Horcrux Could've Changed History in Harry Potter - image 2

While a fun theory on its own, the “the Diary was unique” line of speculation led us to a different assumption. Voldemort was the only wizard to have ever created multiple Horcruxes, and the Diary was his first one, meaning it contained 50% of his original soul. What if the other Horcruxes behaved differently just because they were…less?

Perhaps, when a normal wizard creates a Horcrux, it always ends up as sentient and independent as the Diary’s Tom Riddle and its goal is to basically “restore data” from the time said Horcrux was created — and it wasn’t the Diary that was special. Voldemort’s other Horcruxes were as they contained lesser and lesser soul pieces.

Well, scratch that bit where we suggest that a normal wizard would even create a Horcrux in the first place — but otherwise, our theory still stands.