Let's Face It: Only One Better Call Saul Character Is To Blame For Jimmy Turning Into Saul

Let's Face It: Only One Better Call Saul Character Is To Blame For Jimmy Turning Into Saul
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jimmy McGill is one of the most memorable and interesting characters in the Breaking Bad universe.

But who is responsible for transforming the ordinary guy who fails at everything into an opportunistic criminal?

In the prequel to Breaking Bad, viewers are introduced to Chuck, Jimmy's successful brother, who has done it all and founded a large law firm in Albuquerque.

But despite his wealth, the elder McGill is so angry with his closest relative that many fans believe Chuck is responsible for turning Jimmy into Saul Goodman.

Chuck's jealousy of Jimmy is evident throughout the series. Despite Saul's sincere efforts to support and help his brother, he is constantly met with skepticism and suspicion.

Let's Face It: Only One Better Call Saul Character Is To Blame For Jimmy Turning Into Saul - image 1

Chuck's resentment of Jimmy's natural charm and ability to connect with people is obvious, and he goes to great lengths to undermine his brother's credibility. Instead of nurturing their relationship and recognizing Jimmy's potential, the elder McGill constantly belittles him, creating a hostile and toxic environment between them.

Chuck's lack of empathy and understanding is a defining characteristic that makes him a bad relative. Although he is aware of Jimmy's complicated past and the struggles he has faced, he refuses to acknowledge his brother's growth and potential for change.

Instead, Chuck clings to the mistakes of the past and refuses to give Jimmy the support and encouragement he desperately needs. The McGills' refusal to accept responsibility prevents any chance of reconciliation between the brothers, leading to a perpetual cycle of rancor.

Some fans, however, defend Chuck, saying that no amount of the elder McGill's actions can justify Saul's behavior, because Chuck was trying to make Jimmy a better person.

Redditor chu42 notes that throughout the series, viewers see more of a relentless struggle than a desire to become a better person. Instead of getting over Chuck's rejection and moving on like a normal human being, Jimmy set out to get revenge on his brother and drive him to suicide.

The lawyer took the most destructive route and was responsible for transforming himself into Saul Goodman.

This caused a storm of controversy among fans. As far as Jimmy is concerned, Chuck is not just a man on the street, he is a brother and he tries to help him. But the younger McGill is only criticized for living the wrong kind of life.

Source: Reddit