Just How Much of Dean Are We Getting in The Winchesters?

Just How Much of Dean Are We Getting in The Winchesters?
Image credit: The CW

Supernatural fans watching the pilot of The Winchesters were very excited to not only hear but also to see our favorite Dean Winchester driving off in the Baby, just like in the good old days.

Everyone wondering "was it a one-time thing, a reoccurring theme, what do we need to expect?" can now get even more excited since the showrunner Robbie Thompson in his interview with TVLine gave us all some clarity on how much of Dean are we getting.

To answer the question directly, here's what he has to say:

"I'm guessing we won't see him in every episode, though. We won't be able to see him in every episode. Jensen is quite [busy]. But we will be hearing him."

The showrunner also adds: "It's one of the really wonderful perks of this job is when we're getting to that part of a script, you can say like, "I wonder what Dean would say?" and then I can just text Dean Winchester and talk to him. Jensen is a wonderful partner because he's able to both play the history and think about the future. We go over [the voiceovers] word by word, letter by letter, and really shape them together."

The fandom rejoiced once we learned that Jensen is a part of the prequel, and it seems fans are not the only ones who are excited about our beloved actor's involvement. In that same interview, Robbie Thompson says:

"I'm just really excited for people to hear that voice again. I know, for me, it was like, "Holy smokes!" We needed a temp piece to figure out what we were cutting to, and we were shooting, and he sent it to me, and it was a recording — I still have it on my phone — of him doing an early version of one of the voiceovers, and it was the voice, you know? [Laughs] It was Dean Winchester in my earbuds in that moment, and it was like one of those real "pinch me" moments. Like, "Wow, this is really happening. We're doing this."

There are a lot of discussions, questions, complaints, and fears that revolve around the new show. Fans are having a full range of emotions regarding some of the details of the prequel. But one thing surely makes everyone happy – The Winchesters will have one of our favorite Winchester brothers in the show in one way or another. That makes us even more excited to find out what showrunners have in store for us.