
Jordan Peele’s 2017 Huge Box Office Hit Blows Up Netflix’s Global Top

Jordan Peele’s 2017 Huge Box Office Hit Blows Up Netflix’s Global Top
Image credit: Universal Pictures

A horror that proved the whole genre’s eligibility for the Academy awards is everyone’s top watch once again.

Jordan Peele’s directorial breakout Get Out debunked all the stereotypes possible back in the day, and its merits aren’t forgotten.

Seven years after its theatrical release, the horror movie is once again having viewers across the world glued to their screens as, according to the most recent data from FlixPatrol, Get Out is now holding a fourth position in Netflix ’s global top 10 chart.

It’s fair to say that the immensely successful flick is having a deserved second life after a triumphant time back in 2017.

What Is Get Out About?

With Daniel Kaluuya in the leading role, Get Out follows 26-year-old Black photographer Chris who, having reached a new level in a relationship with his White girlfriend Rose, goes on a seemingly exciting getaway weekend to upstate New York to finally meet Rose’s parents.

Missy and Dean’s suspicious and generally eerie behavior immediately strikes Chris upon his arrival, though he calms himself down assuming that they’re just not used to their daughter’s interracial relationship yet.

Jordan Peele’s 2017 Huge Box Office Hit Blows Up Netflix’s Global Top - image 1

Soon such an explanation proves itself to be wrong as Chris starts unveiling weird and pretty much disturbing secrets of his girlfriend’s family.

Released in cinemas back in 2017, Get Out was eventually the one to achieve unbelievable results in the box office grossing $255 million against the initial budget of only $4.5 million.

The movie also received overall critical acclaim landing scores of 98% and 86% from professionals and the audience respectively on Rotten Tomatoes, later on getting four Oscar nominations and taking home one Academy award for Best Original Screenplay.

Peele’s groundbreaking hit also came as a solid proof that horror films still had all the chances to get into the list of Oscar-winning flicks, though the Academy is still on its way to fully accepting this.

Get Out is available for streaming on Netflix worldwide.

Source: FlixPatrol