It's A Crime Friends Requel Series Hasn't Happened Yet, Because Timing Is Just Right

It's A Crime Friends Requel Series Hasn't Happened Yet, Because Timing Is Just Right
Image credit: Legion-Media

Friends made us laugh, it made us cry, and the show had all the answers in the world.

In the wake of so many reboots and sequels happening now, one couldn't help but wonder if a Friends continuation might also be a good idea.

While a blasphemous notion to some, if executed correctly and with the same wit and soul, the requel could bring immense joy.

Why the timing seems just right on money: "Friends: The Reunion" special has gathered an estimated 29% of U.S. streaming households on May 27, 2021, its release day.

Even almost 20 years later people still love it, no matter the age of the viewers.

And let another fact sink in: Kids the characters had in the course of the show would be old enough now to make a separate independent group of young adults, with addition of course of with some new faces.

As we were not feeling old enough, let us estimate how old the Friends' kids would be if we met them now.

So, Ross Geller fathered a child for the first time when his first ex-wife (oh all the feels from just this sentence, right!) Carol gave birth to Ben in the end of S1, which would make him almost 28 years old now.

That's slightly older than the OG characters were when the show premiered.

One of the most memorable arcs in the show had Phoebe serving as a surrogate mother to her brother and his wife's triplets.

She gave birth to them (Chandler, Leslie, and Frank Jr Jr) on April 30, 1998, which would make them all almost 25 years old now.

Rachel becomes a mother to Emma Geller-Green (thanks to a one-night stand with Ross) in the S8 finale on April 4, 2002 – so she would be almost of legal age now.

Monica and Chandler welcomed a surprising set of adopted twins (Erica and Jack) on May 6, 2004, making them both almost 19 years old.

A perspective to have a new group of friends consisting but not limited to these young people is invigorating. And it leaves the most logical wiggle room for the legacy characters to pop up here and there.

Just imagine the tears and smiles of happiness if that were to become reality. And quite potentially a smash ratings hit. Hopefully, here's to The Next One.