Is There Any Chance For Will to Come Out in Stranger Things Season 5?

Is There Any Chance For Will to Come Out in Stranger Things Season 5?
Image credit: Netflix

The show's writers are able to create remarkable and memorable characters, but are audiences ready for some more LGBTQ+ representation?

Stranger Things is known for tackling a variety of themes, including friendship, family, and love.

However, one topic that has yet to be explored in depth is sexuality. With the upcoming release of season 5, fans have been speculating if one of the main characters, Will Byers, will come out as gay.

It's important to note that the series has already hinted at the possibility of LGBTQ+ representation. In season 3, Robin revealed that she was gay.

This was a significant moment for the show and was praised by fans for its positive portrayal of queer characters.

However, the case of Will is still controversial. There are arguments both for and against the theory. Many viewers believe that the character has shown signs of being gay throughout the previous seasons.

He has always been portrayed as sensitive and emotional, and his close relationship with his male friends, especially Mike, has been interpreted by some fans as potentially romantic.

In addition, Will's emotional and tearful monologue that could easily be a confession to Mike in season 3 led some viewers to speculate that this was a sign that he might be interested in his best friend.

"Noah said somewhere last year that "when he comes out it will be beautiful" and even tho I know he doesn't write the show I choose to believe him," noted one Reddit user.

There are those who argue that Will's sexuality should not be explored or revealed.

They feel that it's not necessary for every character to have a romantic storyline, and that the boy's identity should remain ambiguous.

"I just can't imagine that they'd have Vecna force him out. It would be awful and unnecessary. There are plenty of other things Vecna can mess with besides Will's sexuality. No need to go there," another fan said.

Also, some fans have expressed concern that if Will does come out, he might become the target of discrimination or hatred from other characters.

This is a valid concern, and it's important that the series handle this storyline sensitively and realistically.

The next season of the show may air on Netflix in late 2023 or the first quarter of 2024, and will reveal all the answers.

Source: Reddit