Is New Amsterdam Trying to Stir Some Petty Drama By Making Helen a Villain?

Is New Amsterdam Trying to Stir Some Petty Drama By Making Helen a Villain?
Image credit: NBC

Looks like New Amsterdam is dead set on making Helen look bad – even if she's not actually there anymore.

It looks like the writers of New Amsterdam are determined to paint Helen as the villain in the show's final season. In the latest episode, Max finally chose between Elizabeth and Helen, ultimately going with Elizabeth. While some fans are relieved that Max made a decision (long-awaited one, may we add), others are disappointed with the way the show has portrayed Helen.

"Did someone break one of the writers' hearts and they're taking it out on Helen?" asked one fan on social media. "Like, what's the deal with turning Helen into this villain when she's not even on the show anymore? It just feels so unnecessary and mean-spirited."

Others have speculated that the writers may have a personal vendetta against Helen, especially considering how bad the writing was in the character's final season. In the latest episode, Helen was compared to a lethal allergy and drug addiction, and the characters on the show spoke about her as if she was no longer their friend. This has left some fans feeling confused and hurt by the show's treatment of Helen's character. Being on New Amsterdam from the very beginning, Helen definitely deserved more than this, they say.

"I get that Helen wasn't a perfect character, but the way they've written her in her final season and then turned her into this villain just feels so personal," said another fan. "They already did a number on her character, and now it just feels like they're rubbing salt in the wound by villainizing her even more. It's not even necessary to the plot."

Many fans have expressed their frustration with the way the show has distorted Helen's character, bringing back old footage to further villainize her. Some speculate that the show is trying to increase ratings by stirring up drama, but others feel that it is unfair to Helen's character and the fans who loved her.

"I get that Helen is gone and Max has moved on, but the way all of this was handled just feels so cheap and manipulative," said a fan. "It feels like the show is taking a joke at the expense of fans of the character or the ship. Not cool."

New Amsterdam series finale is set to air on January 17.