Is Maggie the Worst Character of The Walking Dead: Dead City?

Is Maggie the Worst Character of The Walking Dead: Dead City?
Image credit: AMC

What is the worst thing about Maggie in The Walking Dead spinoff?

Now that The Walking Dead: Dead City season 1 has concluded, the question on everyone's lips is this — has Maggie become a worse character than she was in the original series? While some fans label Ginny as the worst character of the series, others think that Maggie is no better.

The root of this discussion stems from Maggie's relentless obsession with Negan. We all understand her pain — the loss of Glenn was a heart-breaking moment for all of us. But the question is, has her fixation on Negan, the man who brutally ended Glenn's life, gone too far?

Some fans argue that it has. They point out that Negan has already faced his punishment, and Maggie's insistence on holding onto her hatred, even after expressing a desire to let go, seems unhealthy.

Fans suggest that even if she were to kill Negan, it wouldn't bring Glenn back, and revenge often leaves a hollow feeling rather than satisfaction.

Is Maggie the Worst Character of The Walking Dead: Dead City? - image 1

Another point of contention is Maggie's willingness to risk her community and her relationship with her son, Hershel, for the sake of her vendetta against Negan. It's been over a decade, and yet, Maggie's thirst for revenge seems to overshadow everything else.

This has led some fans to label her as an annoying character, with her storyline being dragged on for too long. This obsession has arguably led to a decline in Maggie's character development.

Some fans feel that she has become an inferior and weak character, overshadowed by her single-minded pursuit of revenge. They argue that this obsession has turned her into a character that's hard to root for, despite her past as a beloved character.

Interestingly, some fans believe that the resolution between Maggie and Negan in the main show's finale was perfect. Maggie accepted who Negan had become but made it clear that she couldn't forget his past actions.

This was seen as a fair, rational, and cathartic ending. However, the continuation of their conflict in Dead City has left some fans feeling unsatisfied.

So, is Maggie really the worst character in The Walking Dead: Dead City? Well, to say for sure, we'll have to wait for season 2 to see how Maggie's character evolves (if she does).

Source: Reddit